Lazy AI beta pricing

Start with monthly plan
Building production quality software
per month + usage costs
Lazy Builder with all the features
Test and Debug
Publish Apps to Production
Premium Support
Start with annual plan
Building production quality software
per month + usage costs
billed annually $359.88
Lazy Builder with all the features
Test and Debug
Publish Apps to Production
Premium Support
Enterprise users? Contact us
Secure payment. Cancel anytime.

Usage costs

Cost of running an instance of an app
# / day
$ 0.17
Egress costs

Egress-related incurred costs refer to the expenses associated with data transfer out of a network, particularly in cloud computing. This includes fees for moving data from a cloud service provider to another network or the internet. These costs can vary based on the amount of data transferred and the specific policies of the cloud provider.

$ 0.15
LLM and 3rd party API costs*
Transparently passed on to you

* LLMs and 3rd party API costs are passed transparently on to you. For example building with Lazy makes requests to LLMs such as Open AI which will show up on your bill. You can always check the prices on corresponding vendor's website. By default usage will be billed in increments of $10 of usage.
