Discord app templates

Lazy templates deliver simplified app development for Discord. Lazy is a revolutionary software development tool that turns the traditional Discord development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create Discord apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.

Create apps with words

AlphaBot Financial Summary

AlphaBot Financial Summary: A Discord bot that utilizes the Alpha Vantage API to provide AI-generated summaries of income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow for renowned US companies.


Discord Moderation Bot

The Discord bot monitors all messages in the server. If a message contains profanity, the bot deletes it and sends a warning to the channel. The bot also notifies the host about the deletion via a direct message. Additionally, the bot outputs a helpful error message to a channel if there is a permissions error, guiding the server admin to enable the required permission in the Discord Developer portal.


Discord Bot

This powerful app skeleton is a great starting place for a Discord bot


Discord Ticketbot Template

A simple Discord Ticketbot for your Discord Support Department. This Template and Bot is fully customizable but already build so that you can use it right away. You need a bot token from https://discord.com/developers/applications for your bot to work. These are the steps needed to get your token: "1. 🌐 Go to the Discord Developer Portal. 🌐\n" + "2. 🆕 Create a new application and navigate to the 'Bot' section. 🤖\n" + "3. 📋 Under the 'TOKEN' section, click 'Reset Token' to get your Discord bot token and confirm by clicking 'Yes, do it'. 🔑\n" + "4. 🤖 If your bot will have any ability to read/reply to messages, then under the 'BOT' section, enable the slider titled 'Message Content Intent' ✅" + "5. 🔐 Set the 'DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN' in the Env Secrets tab with your bot token from step 3. 🔐\n" + "For bot permissions, it's recommended to start with basic permissions and adjust as needed for your app's functionality.🚀") If you encounter any bugs, please tell Lazy to fix them and report them on the Official Lazy AI Discord to @D4vidG4merLP. Credits: @meow - the Discord bot slash command template @mrlazy.notlazy - supporting me And the Biggest Thank you. You for using this template ❤️


Discord bot using slash commands in python

Update: /ping can be used in user apps too now.


Basic Discord Bot

A Discord bot that does nothing (excellent starting point). Think of it as the plain paper of Discord bots. It does nothing at all and you can turn it into whatever you want. All you need to set is a Discord bot token from your Discord developer portal and boom! You're done.


ZenQuote Discord Bot

ZenQuoteBot: A Discord bot that sends a quote every 1 day to the server using the Zen quotes API.


WhatsApp ChatBot Template with customer chat api (Twilio, InstantChat)

Build a WhatApp chatbot using Twilio, Discord and LazyAI.



GreetingBot: A discord bot that welcomes new members to your server.


Stock AI Advice

The bot requires certain permissions to function properly. These include the ability to read message history, send messages, and react to messages. The bot will generate stats such as This bot will provide ticker stats, commodity stats, Stock News and other AI Stock Trading Advice Please provide the Discord bot token in the Env Secrets tab under the name 'DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN' and your API Key for the Alpha Advantage


Twitter Announcement Discord Bot

This app tracks the growth of a Discord server and posts updates to Twitter. This app creates a tweet to your twitter account every time another hundred users join your discord server. Make sure you have twitter access tokens created with Read, Write, and Direct Messages permissions to run this app.


Discord Bot That Posts Tweets to Twitter

The application is a Discord bot that integrates with Twitter. It allows users to post tweets directly from Discord using the command `!tweet`. The bot uses environment variables for sensitive data such as the Discord bot token and Twitter API credentials, ensuring security best practices. The required tokens are: DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN, TWITTER_API_KEY, TWITTER_API_SECRET, TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN, and TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET.


Custom Commands Bot for Discord

A Discord bot build in python that allows users to create and use custom text commands. The user can use this bot by using the !addCommand in the following format: "!addCommand ! ". Currently only custom text commands with custom text replies are supported for this bot.


Discord Poll Bot

This Discord bot allows users to create polls with custom questions, options, and durations. Users can interact with the bot using the "/poll" command to create polls, which are then presented with reaction emojis for voting. The bot tallies votes in real-time and announces the winning option when the poll closes. It is designed to be user-friendly, providing help messages and feedback on command usage.


Invite Tracker Discord Bot

This is a Discord bot that tracks and announces server member invites. It keeps a list of users invite codes and the number of times someone has joined using a certain code. It also sends a message in a discord channel when a user joins using an invite code or link.


Discord Bot for Youtube Search

A Discord bot that searches and posts new YouTube videos to a discord channel hourly based on a specific tag or keyword.


Discord Activity Monitor Bot

This Discord bot monitors member activity within a server. It allows administrators to rank inactivity criteria in days or minutes using command !setinactivity x minutes or !setinactivity x days. Inactive users can be kicked based on the criteria set by the administrators using command !kickinactive. App requires 'DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN' environment secret. And you need to give the bot following permissions on discord website. Read Message History: To fetch past messages and determine member activity. Kick Members: To remove inactive members from the server. Read Messages / View channels: To read latest message of user.


Discord Bot That Deletes Messages

The Discord Message Management Bot is designed to manage messages in a Discord channel. It requires two environment variables to function properly: DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN (the token of your Discord bot) and DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID (the ID of the channel where messages will be managed). The bot includes several commands that allow an admin to manage messages in the channel, including setting an automatic message clearing interval, removing the automatic message clearing interval, deleting all messages from a specific user, deleting all messages sent by a specified bot, deleting all duplicate messages, and deleting all messages containing a specific keyword.


Discord Bots That Talk To You

This app is a chat bot that can be integrated with Discord. It allows users to interact with the bot by sending messages and receiving responses. The bot is designed to handle rate limiting, ensuring that it responds to a limited number of messages per minute. If a user exceeds the rate limit, their messages are added to a backlog and processed later. The bot also supports private messaging and can respond to direct messages from users. The app is built using Python and utilizes the Discord API for communication.


Reaction Roles Discord Bot

The Discord bot can manage multiple user roles based on reactions to a specific message. The reaction-role mapping is included directly in the code for easy editing by the builder.


Best Discord Bot For Moderation

The Discord bot monitors all messages in the server. If a message contains profanity, the bot deletes it and sends a warning to the channel. The bot also notifies the host about the deletion via a direct message. Additionally, the bot outputs a helpful error message to a channel if there is a permissions error, guiding the server admin to enable the required permission in the Discord Developer portal.


Discord Youtube Channel Video Lister Bot

This app uses Selenium to navigate directly to the "Videos" tab of a specified YouTube channel URL, scrolls down until there are no new videos or the maximum number of videos to be listed is reached, retrieves the list of videos on the channel, and shares the video data in the same Discord thread it was mentioned to scrape it. The app also handles errors during the extraction of videos and prints the progress of the number of videos data that is being collected throughout the app lifecycle. The app requires the environment variable DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN to be set to the token of the Discord bot. The maximum number of videos to be listed can be set using the command "!set_max_videos " with the same bot. The bot is created with all intents to make it work properly. The app also validates the YouTube channel URL provided by the user. The command to list the videos is "!list_videos ".


Member Counter Discord Bot

Welcome to the Member Counter Discord Bot template! This template offers you a made bot that can tally up the overall number of members, bots and non bot members within a Discord server. It also keeps track of member counts per role. This bot is ideal for server admins looking to monitor their communitys growth and demographics.


Discord Clear Chat Bot

This bot will be designed to perform a single task on Discord which is to clear all messages in a channel. The bot listens for a "!clear_chat" command from a user with an admin role and then deletes the channel's chats. The bot requires one environment variable to function properly: DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN (the token of your Discord bot). The bot asks for confirmation from the user before clearing the chat. The user can cancel this action by replying with a "no". Only users with admin access can delete the messages. If the user is not an admin, the bot sends a message on the channel stating that the user does not have administrative rights to clear the chat history.


Discord Custom Welcome Message Bot

This welcome message bot will be designed to perform a single task on Discord, which is to welcome new users with a unique poem. The welcome message can be customized to any other aesthetic ideas and greetings. This cutom bot requires two environment variables to function properly: DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN (the token of your Discord bot) and WELCOME_CHANNEL_ID (the ID of the channel where the bot will send welcome messages).


Discord Server Stats Bot

The Discord server stats bot requires certain permissions to function properly. These include the ability to read message history, send messages, and react to messages. The bot will generate stats such as total members, online members, offline members, bots, text channels, voice channels, roles, server creation date, and members joined in the last 24 hours. Please provide the Discord bot token in the Env Secrets tab under the name 'DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN'.


Website Stats App

The Website Stats App is a bot that provides detailed statistics about a given website. It visits the website, determines its load time, status, and security level. The app also handles errors for incorrect URLs, notifies the user if the website processing is taking some time, and alerts the user if the website is down or not reachable. Additionally, the app automatically posts updates on a Discord channel every 7 hours. If Discord credentials and channel ID for Discord are present, it will use that. The environment variables required for this app are: DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL, and WEBSITE_URL.


Selenium Discord Website Check Bot

The Website Stats App is a Discord bot that provides detailed statistics about a given website. It visits the website, determines its load time, status, and security level, and sends this information back to a Discord command. The app also handles errors for incorrect URLs, notifies the user if the website processing is taking some time, and alerts the user if the website is down or not reachable. The app requires the DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN environment variable to be set in the Env Secrets tab. The app supports the !website_stats command on Discord.


Discord Auto Color Bot

This Discord bot is designed to automatically assign a random color to a user's role in a Discord server. The bot is triggered by the '!auto_color' command and can be used by an administrator. The color is randomly generated each time the command is used. The bot uses the Discord API and requires a Discord token to function. The Discord token should be provided as an environment variable named 'DISCORD_TOKEN'.


Discord Auto Role Bot with Assignment

This template provides an overview of the Discord auto role bot, a tool, for managing roles on Discord servers. It can automatically assign roles to users and new members when they join. This bot is especially handy for servers where role management can be time consuming. To use it you need to set the 'DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN' in the environment variables. The bot offers commands such as '!add_role <user>'; assigns a role to a user or the command author if no user is specified and 'on_member_join'; automatically gives members the 'New Member' role upon joining.


Discord Logging Bot

The Discord Logging Bot is a utility bot designed to perform logging tasks on Discord. This logger bot can set a specific channel as the log channel and send logs to that channel. The bot is controlled via commands. The '!set_log_channel #channel-name' command sets a specific channel as the log channel. The '!log message' command sends a log message to the set channel. The bot requires a Discord bot token (DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN) to function properly.


Discord Multi Channel Message Bot

This bot is designed to perform a variety of tasks on Discord. It can add or remove channels from a list of channels to which it can send messages. It can send a message to all channels in this list. Before sending a message, it will ask for confirmation. The bot token(DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN) is securely taken from environment variables .


Discord Member Engagement Bot

This bot will be designed to perform a variety of tasks on Discord, including counting metrics, tracking unique engaged members, tracking new members, and tracking members that have left. These metrics will also be sent as messages to a Slack channel every 7 days in the form of a data frame table converted to text. To make it work, it requires the following environment variables: DISCORD_TOKEN (your Discord bot token), SLACK_API_TOKEN (your Slack API token), and SLACK_CHANNEL (the ID of the Slack channel where the bot will send messages).


Discord Suggestions Bot

The Discord Suggestions Bot is designed to manage suggestions on Discord. The suggester can perform the following commands: - !suggest : Sends a suggestion to a designated channel. - !set_suggestion_channel : Sets the default suggestion channel. The bot token is securely stored in environment variables and requires the DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN to work properly.


Discord Join and Leave Bot

This bot is designed to display join and leave messages. It requires environment variables (DISCORD_TOKEN) and channel IDs to function properly. Please provide the DISCORD_TOKEN in the Env Secrets tab. To setup this Discord join and leave bot and receive a token, you need to create a new application in the Discord developer portal, add a bot to that application, and then copy the bot's token.


Discord Welcome Bot

This bot will be designed to perform a single task on Discord, which is to welcome new users with a unique poem. The bot requires two environment variables to function properly: DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN (the token of your Discord bot) and WELCOME_CHANNEL_ID (the ID of the channel where the bot will send welcome messages).


Discord Custom Commands Bot

This bot will be designed to perform a variety of custom commands on Discord, including sending multiple messages and channels, using any role, auto-assigning roles on join, supporting custom emotes, displaying join & leave messages, making suggestions, auto color roles, and logging.


Discord Server Member Count Web Component

A web component that displays the member count of a Discord server and can be embedded in a Webflow website. The member count is fetched from an API endpoint, and the web component is served through another API endpoint.

Fast API

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Hello World App

A program that displays 'Hello, World!' on the screen

Discord Join and Leave Bot

This bot is designed to display join and leave messages. It requires environment variables (DISCORD_TOKEN) and channel IDs to function properly. Please provide the DISCORD_TOKEN in the Env Secrets tab. To setup this Discord join and leave bot and receive a token, you need to create a new application in the Discord developer portal, add a bot to that application, and then copy the bot's token.

SK1 | Basic Flask Website with HTML and JS

This skeleton is ideal for developers looking to integrate Python, HTML, and JavaScript seamlessly into a single application using Flask such as admin pages, web games, web apps, etc. It facilitates the creation of web-based applications with embedded client-side scripts. This setup is perfect for building full-stack web applications that require interactive elements on the front end while leveraging Python's robust backend capabilities. This skeleton is not a good choice for a backend app.

Discord Clear Chat Bot

This bot will be designed to perform a single task on Discord which is to clear all messages in a channel. The bot listens for a "!clear_chat" command from a user with an admin role and then deletes the channel's chats. The bot requires one environment variable to function properly: DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN (the token of your Discord bot). The bot asks for confirmation from the user before clearing the chat. The user can cancel this action by replying with a "no". Only users with admin access can delete the messages. If the user is not an admin, the bot sends a message on the channel stating that the user does not have administrative rights to clear the chat history.

Streamlit Dashboard Generator

Generate streamlit dashboards from chatbot-generated datasets and visualize them with corresponding graphs.

Integration of Stripe Checkout Page in Webflow

To integrate a custom Stripe checkout page in Webflow, you need both a backend and a frontend. This template enables you to quickly set up the backend service. It is compatible with any price point you have established through the Stripe API. After adding the API key and directing the backend service to the price ID, you can activate the backend service by clicking the test button. Then, by integrating the Stripe frontend code into a Webflow page, you instantly create a custom payment page in Webflow. This method can be used to set up various types of payment pages in Webflow, including one-time payments and subscriptions.

Discord is a popular communication platform designed for creating communities and connecting with others. It was initially created for gamers to chat while playing games, but it has since expanded to be used by various communities, including hobbyists, professionals, and friends.

Discord allows users to join servers, which are like virtual meeting places where people can gather and interact. Within servers, users can participate in text-based chat channels, voice chat rooms, and even video calls. It also offers features like screen sharing, file sharing, and the ability to integrate with other apps and services.

One of the key features of Discord is its flexibility and customization options. Users can create and manage their own servers, set up different roles and permissions for members, and customize the appearance and functionality of their servers using bots and plugins.

Discord is available as a desktop application for Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as a mobile app for iOS and Android devices. It can also be accessed through a web browser.

Overall, Discord provides a convenient and versatile platform for communication and collaboration, making it a popular choice for various communities and groups of people.
