Fast API app templates

Lazy templates deliver simplified app development for Fast API. Lazy is a revolutionary software development tool that turns the traditional Fast API development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create Fast API apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.

Create apps with words

Backend Server

This skeleton is streamlined for creating backend services using FastAPI. It's an excellent choice for building microservices or APIs with minimal frontend requirements.

Fast API

Login and Registration

This powerful app skeleton is a good starting place for apps that require login and registration

Fast API


The Get Lazy application Launcher is used to launch and monitor your apps in a production environment - For paid subscriptions only.

Fast API

Backend Server

This skeleton is streamlined for creating backend services using FastAPI. It's an excellent choice for building microservices or APIs with minimal frontend requirements.

Fast API

Search Email with GMail API

This is a FastAPI-based application that uses Google’s Gmail API to fetch and display emails based on user-defined search queries. It provides a /search_emails endpoint for email searches and a /oauth2callback endpoint for OAuth2 callbacks. The app requires the environment variables CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, and REDIRECT_URI for OAuth2 authentication. These credentials pertain to your Google API and must be set correctly for the application to function as expected.

Fast API

Moderate Comments on Facebook Page

An app that moderates comments on your page feed using Facebook API and webhooks. This app uses the FastAPI to create a webhook endpoint for moderating posts on your page. A facebook access token for the page will be needed to make the API call. The permission scopes you will need for the access token are `pages_read_engagement` and `pages_manage_posts permissions` as an admin of the page you are posting to. The app moderates comments on Facebook ads/posts by removing and flagging hateful speech.

Fast API

Share Post Using Facebook API

An app that shares a post to your page feed using Facebook API. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for sharing a post on your page. A facebook access token for the page will be needed to make the API call. The permission scopes you will need for the access token are `pages_read_engagement` and `pages_manage_posts permissions` as an admin of the page you are posting to. A link to another facebook can also be provided to share that post with a caption on your page.

Fast API

Create Event in Google Calendar API

This is a FastAPI application that interacts with the Google Calendar API to create events. It requires three environment secrets: CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, and REDIRECT_URI. The application has three main endpoints: POST /create_event: This endpoint accepts a dictionary representing an event and attempts to create this event on the primary calendar of the authenticated user. GET /oauth2callback: This endpoint handles the OAuth2 callback from Google. If no code is provided, it redirects the user to the Google authorization page. If a code is provided, it exchanges the code for an access token and stores the token. GET /clear_credentials: This endpoint clears the stored credentials. Please note that the application must be authenticated with Google before events can be created. This is done by accessing the /oauth2callback endpoint and following the Google authorization process.

Fast API

Get Facebook Leads Using API

An app that fetches Facebook leads forms for a page using the Facebook Developers API. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting the page lead forms. A facebook access token for the page will be needed to make the API call. The permission scopes you will need for the access token are `ads_management`, `pages_read_engagement`, `pages_show_list`, `pages_manage_ads` and ` leads_retrieval`.

Fast API

Get Latest Video from Channel via YouTube API

A FastAPI-based application that retrieves the latest video details from your favorite channels using the YouTube API. Simply provide a channel ID or URL to get comprehensive results, including video ID, title, and description. The app requires a YouTube API key, which can be set as an environment variable.

Fast API

Get Facebook Page Reviews Using API

An app for fetching a logged-in pages's review using the Facebook API. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting the page reviews. A facebook access token for the page will be needed to make the API call. The permission scope you will need for the access token is `pages_read_user_content`.

Fast API

How to Get All Videos from Channel via Youtube API

This application provides Fast API endpoints to get videos all videos from a YouTube channel using Youtube API. The end points are "channel/videos" to get videos using channel id and "channel/videos/by-url" to get videos using YouTube channel url. The videos’ details such as ID, title, description, link, and published date are returned in a structured format. The application requires the ‘YOUTUBE_API_KEY’ to be set in the environment variables to authenticate the requests to the YouTube Data API.

Fast API

Get User ID Using Facebook API

An app that retrieves the Facebook user ID using the Facebook API. No specific permissions are required to make this api call. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting a logged-in user's id. A facebook access token will be needed to make the API call.

Fast API

Get Facebook Pages List Using API

An app for fetching a logged-in user's pages using the Facebook API. The permission scope you will need is `pages_manage_metadata`. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting a user's pages that they are an admin of. A facebook access token will be needed to make the API call.

Fast API

Get Facebook Post Comments Using API

An app for fetching a post's comments using the Facebook API. The permission scopes you will need are `pages_read_engagement`, `pages_manage_metadata` and `pages_read_user_content`. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting a post's comments according to the post id and access token we provide the app. Using this app, we can retrieve and analyze comments on Facebook posts using the Facebook API.

Fast API

Get Posts Using Facebook API

An app for fetching a Facebook user's posts using the Facebook API. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting user posts according to the user id and access token we provide the app. You can customize this app to get Facebook group posts as well.

Fast API

Find Distance Between Two Points with Google Maps API

This is a FastAPI application that calculates the distance between two geographical points using the Google Maps API. Users input latitude and longitude of both points, and the app returns the distance. It requires a Google Maps API key stored in an environment variable ‘GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY’.

Fast API

Get Address from Longitude and Latitude using Google Maps API (Google Reverse Geolocation)

This application is a web server built with FastAPI. It provides an endpoint /get_location that fetches location data based on latitude and longitude using the Google Maps API. When a POST request is made to the /get_location endpoint with latitude and longitude as form data, the application returns the location data in JSON format. The application requires a Google Maps API key to function. This key should be provided via the environment variable GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY

Fast API

Get Longitude and Latitude from Address using Google Maps API

This application is a FastAPI web server that provides an endpoint to fetch the geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) of a given address. The endpoint /get_address_coordinates accepts an address as input and uses the Google Maps Geocoding API to fetch the corresponding coordinates. The application requires a Google Maps API key to function. This key should be provided via the environment variable GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY

Fast API

Send Message with WhatsApp API

An app for sending WhatsApp messages to individual numbers using the WhatsApp API. This app using the fastAPI to create an endpoint to call the WhatsApp API for sending messages to the phone numbers we provide through a WhatsApp Business Account Number.

Fast API

Get Channel ID via YouTube API

A FastAPI application to find YouTube channel ID. By simply providing a video URL, users can retrieve information about the video's channel, including the channel ID and channel name. The app leverages the YouTube API to fetch this data, requiring users to set a YOUTUBE_API_KEY in the environment variables for it to function correctly.

Fast API

Create Repository from Template using Github API

This app creates a GitHub repository using a template repository with user-defined environment variables. The user can add the template repository name and repository owner details as environment variables. They can also add the custom name they would like to give the new repository created from the template. The app uses FastAPI for making the api call to Github endpoints.

Fast API

Ethics Enclave

An app that generates moral votes based on ethical frameworks and provides explanations.

Fast API

Get Orders using Shopify API

A python app for getting orders in a store using the Shopify API. The python FastAPI is used for making the API call. The app requires a SHOPIFY_ADMIN_API_TOKEN and "orders" scope permissions to authenticate requests. This app can be customized to get all orders by name, by order ID (order number), fulfilled orders only and so on.

Fast API

Get Product Metafields using Shopify API

A FastAPI application that retrieves all products from a Shopify store and returns them in JSON format. Requires the SHOPIFY_ADMIN_API_TOKEN environment secret. The app includes an endpoint at "/product_metafields" where users can provide a product ID and the Shopify store URL to retrieve the product's metafields. The only environment secret required is SHOPIFY_ADMIN_API_TOKEN, which must be set for the app to authenticate with the Shopify API.

Fast API

Bulk Update Inventory with Shopify API

The app includes two main functionalities: 1. A POST endpoint `/bulk_update_inventory` that allows bulk updating of inventory levels for products in a Shopify store. It requires a JSON payload with the store URL, location ID, and a list of inventory updates. 2. A GET endpoint `/fetch_inventory_levels` that retrieves the inventory levels for a specific location in a Shopify store. It requires the store URL and location ID as query parameters. For the app to function correctly, please ensure the following environment variable is set in the Env Secrets tab: - `SHOPIFY_ADMIN_API_TOKEN`: This is the Shopify admin API token used for authenticating requests to the Shopify GraphQL API.

Fast API

Update Inventory Quantity with Shopify API

This app allows users to update inventory quantity of a product and to get inventory_level_id of a product in a Shopify store using API. Users can set the necessary environment variables, including the SHOPIFY_ADMIN_API_TOKEN to enable the app to access the store. The app has following end points: - An endpoint to adjust the inventory level of a product (`/update_inventory`). - An endpoint to get the inventory level ID of a product (`/get_inventory_level_id`).

Fast API

Get All Products with Shopify API

The Shopify Get All Products Downloader is a FastAPI application that connects to a Shopify store using the provided store URL and Shopify API credentials. It retrieves all products from the Shopify store and returns them in JSON format. The app also includes frontend JavaScript code that calls the backend API and downloads the products (all or from a specific collection) which can be used for your storefront. You need to provide SHOPIFY_API_KEY and SHOPIFY_ADMIN_API_TOKEN.

Fast API

Create Subscription with Stripe API

This app integrates a custom Stripe subscription API. It includes a backend service set up using FastAPI and is compatible with any price point established through the Stripe API. The backend service creates a Stripe subscription and allows all CORS. It also logs sent requests and subscription statuses. The price ID, customer ID, and payment method are fetched during the request from the user. After adding the Stripe API key, the backend service can be activated by clicking the test button. The required environment secrets for this app are STRIPE_SECRET_KEY.

Fast API

Stripe Subscription API

This app integrates a custom Stripe subscription API. It includes a backend service set up using FastAPI and is compatible with any price point established through the Stripe API. The backend service creates a Stripe subscription and allows all CORS. It also logs sent requests and subscription statuses. The price ID, customer ID, and payment method are fetched during the request from the user. After adding the Stripe API key, the backend service can be activated by clicking the test button. The required environment secrets for this app are STRIPE_SECRET_KEY.

Fast API

Implement Custom Stripe Checkout Page in Python & FastAPI

This app integrates a custom Stripe checkout page in a Python application. It includes both a backend and a frontend. The backend service is set up using FastAPI and is compatible with any price point established through the Stripe API. The backend service creates a Stripe checkout session and retrieves the status of a checkout session. It also allows all CORS and logs sent requests and checkout session statuses. The price ID is fetched during the request from the user. After adding the Stripe API key and directing the backend service to the price ID, the backend service can be activated by clicking the test button. The frontend code can be integrated into a Python application to create a custom payment page. This method can be used to set up various types of payment pages, including one-time payments and subscriptions. The required environment secrets for this app are STRIPE_SECRET_KEY and YOUR_DOMAIN.

Fast API

How to Implement Stripe Payment Gateway into Wordpress

This template integrates a custom Stripe payment gateway in WordPress. It includes both a backend and a frontend. The backend service is set up using FastAPI and is compatible with any price point established through the Stripe API. The backend service creates a Stripe checkout session and retrieves the status of a checkout session. It also allows all CORS and logs sent requests and checkout session statuses. The price ID is fetched during the request from the user. After adding the Stripe API key and directing the backend service to the price ID, the backend service can be activated by clicking the test button. The frontend code can be integrated into a WordPress page to create a custom payment gateway page with a payment button in WordPress. This method can be used to set up various types of payment pages in WordPress, including one-time payments and subscriptions. The required environment secrets for this app are STRIPE_SECRET_KEY and YOUR_DOMAIN.

Fast API

How to implement Stripe into Wordpress

This app integrates a custom Stripe payment page in WordPress. It includes both a backend and a frontend. The backend service is set up using FastAPI and is compatible with any price point established through the Stripe API. The backend service creates a Stripe checkout session and retrieves the status of a checkout session. It also allows all CORS and logs sent requests and checkout session statuses. The price ID is fetched during the request from the user. After adding the Stripe API key and directing the backend service to the price ID, the backend service can be activated by clicking the test button. The frontend code can be integrated into a WordPress page to create a custom payment page in WordPress. This method can be used to set up various types of payment pages in WordPress, including one-time payments and subscriptions. The required environment secrets for this app are STRIPE_SECRET_KEY and YOUR_DOMAIN.

Fast API

Fast API Endpoint for Automatic Tweet Posting in Twitter

This app is a fast API endpoint that will automatically post a tweet provided via the API to a company's Twitter account. Can be used in your product to promote certain things happening, for example a product community member does something and you tweet automatically about it. Ideal for automatic tweets posting for company updates. Steps: 1. Sign up for a developer account on (you have to log in with the company's Twitter handle) 2. There's a free option (even though they are pushing the $100 per month basic option you don't need that to get started and for small volumes) 3. Navigate to projects and apps 4. From the consumer keys section copy the API key and Secret into Env Secrets tab in Lazy (make sure variable names are correct) 5. Generate an Access Token and Secret and copy them into Env Secrets tab in Lazy (make sure variable names are correct) THESE MUST HAVE READ AND WRITE ACCESS OTHERWISE IT WON'T WORK 6. Generate a bearer token and add to env secrets 7. Use the Fast API docs page to test app and try to post using the API endpoint or make a sample request directly. 8. Check your Twitter for the post appearing and voila!

Fast API
X (Twitter)

Create Stripe Payment Intent with API

This app template will create and retrieve a payment intent on Stripe using API. It requires the Stripe API key to be set as an environment variable named 'STRIPE_API_KEY'. The template provides a POST endpoint at '/create_payment_intent' to create a payment intent and a GET endpoint at '/retrieve_payment_intent/{payment_intent_id}' to retrieve a payment intent.

Fast API

Stripe Webhook Test Sender

This app will send and test the mock webhook received from the Stripe API. Stripe Webhook test will print the data on the console.

Fast API

Create Stripe Checkout Session with API

This application serves as an API server that incorporates functionalities. It includes an endpoint that allows you to create a Stripe checkout session, for payment processing. Additionally it provides another endpoint to retrieve the status of a checkout session. The application allows for origin resource sharing (CORS) and generates logs with information level details regarding sent requests.

Fast API

Fast API endpoint for Text Classification using GPT 4

This API will classify incoming text items into categories using the GPT 4 model. If the model is unsure about the category of a text item, it will respond with an empty string. The categories are parameters that the API endpoint accepts. The GPT 4 model will classify the items on its own with a prompt like this: "Classify the following item {item} into one of these categories {categories}". There is no maximum number of categories a text item can belong to in the multiple categories classification. The API will use the llm_prompt ability to ask the LLM to classify the item and respond with the category. The API will take the LLM's response as is and will not handle situations where the model identifies multiple categories for a text item in the single category classification. If the model is unsure about the category of a text item in the multiple categories classification, it will respond with an empty string for that item. The API will use Python's concurrent.futures module to parallelize the classification of text items. The API will handle timeouts and exceptions by leaving the items unclassified. The API will parse the LLM's response for the multiple categories classification and match it to the list of categories provided in the API parameters. The API will convert the LLM's response and the categories to lowercase before matching them. The API will split the LLM's response on both ':' and ',' to remove the "Category" word from the response. The temperature of the GPT model is set to a minimal value to make the output more deterministic. The API will return all matching categories for a text item in the multiple categories classification. The API will strip any leading or trailing whitespace from the categories in the LLM's response before matching them to the list of categories provided in the API parameters. The API will accept lists as answers from the LLM. If the LLM responds with a string that's formatted like a list, the API will parse it and match it to the list of categories provided in the API parameters.

Fast API

Multi Product Landing Page with Navigation

This app will create a simple multi product landing page with updated Bootstrap styles, incl. a grid of 6 product cards with random content, and a navigation bar using FastAPI.

Fast API

Discord Server Member Count Web Component

A web component that displays the member count of a Discord server and can be embedded in a Webflow website. The member count is fetched from an API endpoint, and the web component is served through another API endpoint.

Fast API

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WebSolution Finder

WebSolution Finder: A web app that uses google to generate a curated list of websites that can help solve specific problems or situations.

JIRA JQL Generator Slack Bot

This app, named "Slack Mention Jira Query Generator", is designed to assist you in generating Jira Query Language (JQL) queries directly from Slack. When you mention the app in a Slack message, it will generate a JQL based on your message and ask if you want to run the query. If you agree, it will execute the query on Jira and return the results in the same Slack thread. The app is designed to handle multiple users at the same time and ensures that the correct JQL is associated with the user who requested it. It also formats the JQL results to share the links of the issues instead of the actual issue object, making it easier for you to navigate to the issues directly from Slack. To use this app, you will need to provide the following environment variables: - SLACK_BOT_TOKEN: You can get this by creating a new app in your Slack workspace, adding the bot scope, and installing the app in the workspace. - SLACK_APP_TOKEN: This can be generated by enabling Socket Mode for the app in the Slack API settings and generating an App-Level token. - JIRA_API_TOKEN and JIRA_EMAIL: These can be generated from your Jira account settings. - JIRA_SERVER_URL: This is the URL of your Jira server.

CSS ShadowCraft

A web page for creating and previewing custom CSS box shadow effects in real time.

Hello World App

A program that displays 'Hello, World!' on the screen


This app generates unique usernames.

Emoji Financial News Bot

This app creates a Telegram bot that fetches the latest financial news from Bloomberg's RSS feed, analyzes the news titles using LLM ability, and shares it with users in the form of emoji representations. The user will be asked for their API token when they run the app.

FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints. It is designed to be easy to use, efficient, and scalable. FastAPI is built on top of Starlette, which is a lightweight asynchronous web framework.

Some key features of FastAPI include:

  1. High performance: FastAPI is built on top of Starlette, which is an asynchronous web framework. This allows it to handle high loads and process requests quickly.
  2. Easy to use: FastAPI is designed to be easy to use and intuitive. It leverages Python type hints to provide automatic data validation, serialization, and documentation generation.
  3. Fast development: FastAPI provides automatic interactive API documentation based on the OpenAPI standard. This means that as you write your code, the documentation is generated automatically, saving you time and effort.
  4. Standards-based: FastAPI is based on standard Python type hints and the OpenAPI standard. This makes it easy to integrate with other tools and frameworks in the Python ecosystem.
  5. Asynchronous support: FastAPI fully supports asynchronous programming, allowing you to write efficient and scalable code. It also integrates seamlessly with other asynchronous libraries and frameworks.
  6. Security: FastAPI provides built-in security features, such as OAuth2 authentication and JWT token authentication. It also supports automatic generation of API keys and rate limiting.

Overall, FastAPI is a powerful and efficient web framework for building APIs with Python. It combines the ease of use of Python type hints with the performance of asynchronous programming, making it a great choice for building high-performance APIs.

Fast API