GitHub app templates

Lazy templates deliver simplified app development for GitHub. Lazy is a revolutionary software development tool that turns the traditional GitHub development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create GitHub apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.

Create apps with words

GitHub Webhook Example

This is a Python Flask API application that handles GitHub webhooks that have been setup for a GitHub repository. The app listens to and receives incoming JSON data from GitHub on it's endpoint `github/webhook/`, and prints it for the user to see. The JSON data can then be stored or further processed as required. The app URL will be used in the webhook setup on GitHub.


Create Repository from Template using Github API

This app creates a GitHub repository using a template repository with user-defined environment variables. The user can add the template repository name and repository owner details as environment variables. They can also add the custom name they would like to give the new repository created from the template. The app uses FastAPI for making the api call to Github endpoints.

Fast API

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Create SalesForce Webhook Example Integration

The Python server will receive data from a Salesforce webhook and print the data for verification purposes. It will also display the Salesforce webhook URL to confirm where it is listening for incoming requests. Follow the given instructions to setup a Webhook trigger on a SalesForce object.

Create Repository from Template using Github API

This app creates a GitHub repository using a template repository with user-defined environment variables. The user can add the template repository name and repository owner details as environment variables. They can also add the custom name they would like to give the new repository created from the template. The app uses FastAPI for making the api call to Github endpoints.

Extract Metadata from Images

The app is a simple and user-friendly web application designed to upload images (photos or other pictures), extract their metadata online, and provide a download link for the metadata information in JSON format.

Get Address from Longitude and Latitude

An app for asking questions about location data based on latitude and longitude coordinates.


Not all apps require sophisticated code and many only require some interaction from inputs and run similarly to the interactions that would exist in a shell terminal. This powerful app skeleton can be suitable for these apps. Examples: * app that does some processing and just prints results or sends it to some server or storage. * app that does some data crunching, either from user input or from external sources and then posts something on other platforms. * app that transforms the data in some way and outputs it using some libs.

Create Stripe Checkout Session with API

This application serves as an API server that incorporates functionalities. It includes an endpoint that allows you to create a Stripe checkout session, for payment processing. Additionally it provides another endpoint to retrieve the status of a checkout session. The application allows for origin resource sharing (CORS) and generates logs with information level details regarding sent requests.
