Gmail app templates

Lazy templates deliver simplified app development for Gmail. Lazy is a revolutionary software development tool that turns the traditional Gmail development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create Gmail apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.

Create apps with words

with Google (set up Google authentication)

This template enhances the login and profile display functionality by giving the user a quick and easy sign in option using their own google accounts

Google Sheets

Search Email with GMail API

This is a FastAPI-based application that uses Google’s Gmail API to fetch and display emails based on user-defined search queries. It provides a /search_emails endpoint for email searches and a /oauth2callback endpoint for OAuth2 callbacks. The app requires the environment variables CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, and REDIRECT_URI for OAuth2 authentication. These credentials pertain to your Google API and must be set correctly for the application to function as expected.

Fast API

Get & Read Email with GMail API

This Python script uses Flask to create a web application that connects to the Gmail API and retrieves the user's unread emails. The script defines two routes: "/" displays the user's unread emails, and "/oauth2callback" is the OAuth 2.0 callback URI. Following api keys need to be set as environment secrets to authenticate with google api: 1. CLIENT_ID 2. CLIENT_SECRET 3. REDIRECT_URI


Gmail Organization Invitation API

This app is an API that sends an invitation email from a Gmail account with 2FA enabled. It accepts various inputs to generate a personalized invitation email based on the name of the email of the person being invited, the email who invited the person and the name of the organisation and an invitation link.


Gmail Email Sender App

This app securely connects to GMAIL via SMPT app and sends a test email. It can be used as a basic building block to build more complicated email sending apps.


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CodeLine Counter

This application processes zip files and displays code file details in a visually appealing table format.

Get All Events by Date in Google Calendar API

This application allows you to retrieve a list of events for a specific date from a Google Calendar. For each event, you will receive the start time, end time, summary, description, and other information returned by google api.

How to Get All Videos from Channel via Youtube API

This application provides Fast API endpoints to get videos all videos from a YouTube channel using Youtube API. The end points are "channel/videos" to get videos using channel id and "channel/videos/by-url" to get videos using YouTube channel url. The videos’ details such as ID, title, description, link, and published date are returned in a structured format. The application requires the ‘YOUTUBE_API_KEY’ to be set in the environment variables to authenticate the requests to the YouTube Data API.

Update Inventory Quantity with Shopify API

This app allows users to update inventory quantity of a product and to get inventory_level_id of a product in a Shopify store using API. Users can set the necessary environment variables, including the SHOPIFY_ADMIN_API_TOKEN to enable the app to access the store. The app has following end points: - An endpoint to adjust the inventory level of a product (`/update_inventory`). - An endpoint to get the inventory level ID of a product (`/get_inventory_level_id`).

Discord Bots That Talk To You

This app is a chat bot that can be integrated with Discord. It allows users to interact with the bot by sending messages and receiving responses. The bot is designed to handle rate limiting, ensuring that it responds to a limited number of messages per minute. If a user exceeds the rate limit, their messages are added to a backlog and processed later. The bot also supports private messaging and can respond to direct messages from users. The app is built using Python and utilizes the Discord API for communication.

Implement Custom Stripe Checkout Page in Python & FastAPI

This app integrates a custom Stripe checkout page in a Python application. It includes both a backend and a frontend. The backend service is set up using FastAPI and is compatible with any price point established through the Stripe API. The backend service creates a Stripe checkout session and retrieves the status of a checkout session. It also allows all CORS and logs sent requests and checkout session statuses. The price ID is fetched during the request from the user. After adding the Stripe API key and directing the backend service to the price ID, the backend service can be activated by clicking the test button. The frontend code can be integrated into a Python application to create a custom payment page. This method can be used to set up various types of payment pages, including one-time payments and subscriptions. The required environment secrets for this app are STRIPE_SECRET_KEY and YOUR_DOMAIN.

Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. It was launched in 2004 and has since become one of the most popular email platforms worldwide. Gmail offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features that make managing emails efficient and convenient.

Some key features of Gmail include:

  1. Storage: Gmail provides users with a generous amount of storage space, currently at 15 GB, which allows you to store a large number of emails and attachments.
  2. Search: Gmail has a powerful search function that enables you to quickly find specific emails or information within your inbox. You can search by keywords, sender, recipient, date, and more.
  3. Organization: Gmail offers various tools to help you organize your inbox. You can create labels and filters to automatically categorize and sort incoming emails. Additionally, you can use the tabbed inbox feature to separate your emails into different categories like Primary, Social, Promotions, and Updates.
  4. Spam filtering: Gmail has robust spam filtering capabilities that automatically detect and filter out unwanted or suspicious emails, keeping your inbox clean and secure.
  5. Integration with other Google services: Gmail seamlessly integrates with other Google services, such as Google Drive, Google Calendar, and Google Meet. This integration allows you to easily share files, schedule events, and conduct video meetings directly from your email.
  6. Mobile access: Gmail is available as a mobile app for both Android and iOS devices, allowing you to access your emails on the go.
  7. Security: Gmail prioritizes user security and employs various measures to protect your account, including two-factor authentication, encrypted connections, and advanced spam detection.

Overall, Gmail offers a reliable and feature-rich email service that is widely used by individuals, businesses, and organizations around the world.
