Laravel app templates

Lazy templates deliver simplified app development for Laravel. Lazy is a revolutionary software development tool that turns the traditional Laravel development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create Laravel apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.

Create apps with words


Develop a secure User Authentication system for users to register, log in, and manage their profiles, laying the foundation for user-specific data management and permissions in the CMS.


Login and Registration

This powerful app skeleton is a good starting place for apps that require login and registration

Fast API

How to Implement Stripe Payment Gateway in Laravel

To integrate a custom Stripe payment gateway in Laravel 8 or Laravel 9, you need both a backend and a frontend. This example template enables you to quickly set up the backend service. It is compatible with any price point you have established through the Stripe API. After adding the API key and directing the backend service to the price ID, you can activate the backend service by clicking the test button. Then, by integrating the Stripe frontend code into a Laravel component, you instantly create a custom payment page in Laravel. This method can be used to set up various types of payment pages in Laravel, including one-time payments and recurring subscriptions.


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Cooking Companion

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Send Message with WhatsApp API

An app for sending WhatsApp messages to individual numbers using the WhatsApp API. This app using the fastAPI to create an endpoint to call the WhatsApp API for sending messages to the phone numbers we provide through a WhatsApp Business Account Number.

SK1 | Basic Flask Website with HTML and JS

This skeleton is ideal for developers looking to integrate Python, HTML, and JavaScript seamlessly into a single application using Flask such as admin pages, web games, web apps, etc. It facilitates the creation of web-based applications with embedded client-side scripts. This setup is perfect for building full-stack web applications that require interactive elements on the front end while leveraging Python's robust backend capabilities. This skeleton is not a good choice for a backend app.

Discord Moderation Bot

The Discord bot monitors all messages in the server. If a message contains profanity, the bot deletes it and sends a warning to the channel. The bot also notifies the host about the deletion via a direct message. Additionally, the bot outputs a helpful error message to a channel if there is a permissions error, guiding the server admin to enable the required permission in the Discord Developer portal.

FALLBACK LATEST 1 THEME | Flask, HTML, JS and Tailwind Based Website

This is a good starting point for styled website. It has a header, footer. Has Tailwind and Flowbite loaded so you can build nice looking pages from here.

Discord Server Stats Bot

The Discord server stats bot requires certain permissions to function properly. These include the ability to read message history, send messages, and react to messages. The bot will generate stats such as total members, online members, offline members, bots, text channels, voice channels, roles, server creation date, and members joined in the last 24 hours. Please provide the Discord bot token in the Env Secrets tab under the name 'DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN'.
