Twilio app templates

Lazy templates deliver simplified app development for Twilio. Lazy is a revolutionary software development tool that turns the traditional Twilio development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create Twilio apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.

Create apps with words

WhatsApp ChatBot Template with customer chat api (Twilio, InstantChat)

Build a WhatApp chatbot using Twilio, Discord and LazyAI.


Twilio WhatsApp ChatBot Template (uses LLM prompt)

The WhatsApp Bot Builder app allows users to create a WhatsApp bot that responds to every message with "Hello World".


Receive SMS with Twilio SMS API

This app allows users to receive SMS messages using the Twilio SMS API and generate custom responses based on the received message. Users can set a Twilio number to receive the SMS messages and customize responses for specific keywords or phrases. Users can use the URL endpoint generated from this app as a Webhook URL on their Twilio number's messaging configuration so that received messages can be forwarded to this app.


Phone Number Lookup with Twilio API

The Phone Number Lookup with Twilio API app allows users to input a phone number using a command line prompt. The app validates phone numbers in international format and uses the Twilio API to fetch information such as carrier and country. If a phone number is not found, the app outputs that the number does not exist. The app has been updated to use the latest Twilio API endpoints and handle any errors that may occur.


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GreetingBot: A discord bot that welcomes new members to your server.

Integration of Stripe Checkout Page in Webflow

To integrate a custom Stripe checkout page in Webflow, you need both a backend and a frontend. This template enables you to quickly set up the backend service. It is compatible with any price point you have established through the Stripe API. After adding the API key and directing the backend service to the price ID, you can activate the backend service by clicking the test button. Then, by integrating the Stripe frontend code into a Webflow page, you instantly create a custom payment page in Webflow. This method can be used to set up various types of payment pages in Webflow, including one-time payments and subscriptions.

Reaction Roles Discord Bot

The Discord bot can manage multiple user roles based on reactions to a specific message. The reaction-role mapping is included directly in the code for easy editing by the builder.

Multilingual Day Name App

This app will provide the name of the current day in 5 different languages.

Fast API endpoint for Text Classification using GPT 4

This API will classify incoming text items into categories using the GPT 4 model. If the model is unsure about the category of a text item, it will respond with an empty string. The categories are parameters that the API endpoint accepts. The GPT 4 model will classify the items on its own with a prompt like this: "Classify the following item {item} into one of these categories {categories}". There is no maximum number of categories a text item can belong to in the multiple categories classification. The API will use the llm_prompt ability to ask the LLM to classify the item and respond with the category. The API will take the LLM's response as is and will not handle situations where the model identifies multiple categories for a text item in the single category classification. If the model is unsure about the category of a text item in the multiple categories classification, it will respond with an empty string for that item. The API will use Python's concurrent.futures module to parallelize the classification of text items. The API will handle timeouts and exceptions by leaving the items unclassified. The API will parse the LLM's response for the multiple categories classification and match it to the list of categories provided in the API parameters. The API will convert the LLM's response and the categories to lowercase before matching them. The API will split the LLM's response on both ':' and ',' to remove the "Category" word from the response. The temperature of the GPT model is set to a minimal value to make the output more deterministic. The API will return all matching categories for a text item in the multiple categories classification. The API will strip any leading or trailing whitespace from the categories in the LLM's response before matching them to the list of categories provided in the API parameters. The API will accept lists as answers from the LLM. If the LLM responds with a string that's formatted like a list, the API will parse it and match it to the list of categories provided in the API parameters.

WebSolution Finder

WebSolution Finder: A web app that uses google to generate a curated list of websites that can help solve specific problems or situations.
