Administrative templates

Lazy templates help developing apps for Administrative. Lazy is a revolutionary software tool that turns the traditional Administrative application development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create Administrative apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.

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Login and Registration

This is a good starting point for any app that requires login and registration


Discord Moderation Bot

The Discord bot monitors all messages in the server. If a message contains profanity, the bot deletes it and sends a warning to the channel. The bot also notifies the host about the deletion via a direct message. Additionally, the bot outputs a helpful error message to a channel if there is a permissions error, guiding the server admin to enable the required permission in the Discord Developer portal.


Login and Registration

This powerful app skeleton is a good starting place for apps that require login and registration


Customisable Signup/Login Page with User Database

This app allows users to sign up with a username and password, stores the information in a database, and displays a personalized greeting upon signing in.


Best Discord Bot For Moderation

The Discord bot monitors all messages in the server. If a message contains profanity, the bot deletes it and sends a warning to the channel. The bot also notifies the host about the deletion via a direct message. Additionally, the bot outputs a helpful error message to a channel if there is a permissions error, guiding the server admin to enable the required permission in the Discord Developer portal.


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Share Post Using Facebook API

An app that shares a post to your page feed using Facebook API. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for sharing a post on your page. A facebook access token for the page will be needed to make the API call. The permission scopes you will need for the access token are `pages_read_engagement` and `pages_manage_posts permissions` as an admin of the page you are posting to. A link to another facebook can also be provided to share that post with a caption on your page.

Selenium Discord Website Check Bot

The Website Stats App is a Discord bot that provides detailed statistics about a given website. It visits the website, determines its load time, status, and security level, and sends this information back to a Discord command. The app also handles errors for incorrect URLs, notifies the user if the website processing is taking some time, and alerts the user if the website is down or not reachable. The app requires the DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN environment variable to be set in the Env Secrets tab. The app supports the !website_stats command on Discord.

Get Products with Prices using Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to get all products with prices. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint for this purpose. The backend makes an API call to get all products with prices using the Stripe API. The app displays the list.

Simple Multiplayer Telegram game

This app is a simple frontend for a game where users can upvote and downvote the most popular word in their country, learn about the flags of other countries, and view what other people voted for on a leaderboard.

Basic Slack Bot

This is a simple starting point for a Slack bot it just responds hi to a mention.

Send a daily report of some metrics from BigQuery to Slack

This app fetches data from BigQuery using a provided SQL query, formats the data into a table, and posts the table to a specified Slack channel. The data posting is scheduled to happen every day at 10 am UK time.

Lazy apps can be helpful in the Administrative category by automating repetitive tasks and streamlining administrative processes. Here are a few ways lazy apps can assist in administrative tasks:

  1. Email management: Lazy apps can help sort and prioritize emails, automatically categorize them, and even draft responses based on predefined templates. This saves time and ensures that important emails are not missed.
  2. Calendar management: Lazy apps can sync with your calendar and automatically schedule appointments, send reminders, and even suggest optimal meeting times based on participants' availability.
  3. Document organization: Lazy apps can automatically organize and categorize documents, making it easier to find and retrieve important files. They can also assist in document version control and collaboration.
  4. Expense tracking: Lazy apps can automate expense tracking by scanning receipts, categorizing expenses, and generating expense reports. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the chances of errors.
  5. Task management: Lazy apps can help create and manage to-do lists, set reminders, and prioritize tasks. They can also automate task delegation and provide progress updates.
  6. Meeting coordination: Lazy apps can assist in scheduling meetings by automatically finding suitable time slots for all participants, sending out meeting invitations, and even booking conference rooms.
  7. Travel planning: Lazy apps can help with travel planning by suggesting flight options, comparing prices, and booking accommodations. They can also provide real-time updates on flight delays or cancellations.

Overall, lazy apps in the Administrative category can help save time, increase productivity, and reduce the administrative burden by automating repetitive tasks and streamlining processes.
