Collaboration templates

Lazy templates help developing apps for Collaboration. Lazy is a revolutionary software tool that turns the traditional Collaboration application development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create Collaboration apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.

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Login and Registration

This powerful app skeleton is a good starting place for apps that require login and registration

Fast API


WebChatify: A web-based chat application that allows users to discuss and analyze website content using the llm system and a user-friendly interface powered by tailwind.


Slack Thread Summarizer App

This app listens for mentions in a Slack thread, excluding messages sent by bots and messages where the bot is mentioned. It then summarizes the thread using an LLM, providing a concise summary of 3 to 5 sentences. The summary is sent back to the same thread where the bot was mentioned. The app also improves the prompt given to the LLM, ensuring that the response consists of key takeaways in bullet points, is concise, and avoids repetition. It also handles errors when the app is mentioned directly without any thread.


Create a Custom Poll in Slack Account or Channel

This app allows users to create polls on Slack using the /poll command. It posts an interactive message with poll options in the channel where the command was invoked, captures users' responses, and updates the poll message to display the current anonymous results. Users can change their votes, and the app will update the poll results accordingly. The app requires SLACK_BOT_TOKEN and SLACK_APP_TOKEN for authentication and must be subscribed to interaction events to capture votes.


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Web Based Chatbot with LLM

This powerful app skeleton is a great starting place suitable for creating a chatbot. It uses tailwind and llm.

GPT-4o Reminders WhatsApp bot

This bot uses GPT-4o to give Whatsapp-based reminders to people just by chatting. In the encryption key environment secret, you need to get a 128 bit AES hex key from a website such as

Slack Thread Summarizer App

This app listens for mentions in a Slack thread, excluding messages sent by bots and messages where the bot is mentioned. It then summarizes the thread using an LLM, providing a concise summary of 3 to 5 sentences. The summary is sent back to the same thread where the bot was mentioned. The app also improves the prompt given to the LLM, ensuring that the response consists of key takeaways in bullet points, is concise, and avoids repetition. It also handles errors when the app is mentioned directly without any thread.

Discord Logging Bot

The Discord Logging Bot is a utility bot designed to perform logging tasks on Discord. This logger bot can set a specific channel as the log channel and send logs to that channel. The bot is controlled via commands. The '!set_log_channel #channel-name' command sets a specific channel as the log channel. The '!log message' command sends a log message to the set channel. The bot requires a Discord bot token (DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN) to function properly.

Text to Speech Converter

An application that takes in text and converts it to a downloadable audio file of the text being spoken by AI.

Send & Post Message to Slack using API

This Slack Send & Post Message app will respond to messages sent to a channel. It will include the original message as a quote and the channel name in the private responses it sends. It will use the `llm_prompt` ability to generate responses. The app will ensure secure handling of Slack API credentials and log errors for maintenance and review. Make sure Event Subscriptions and `message.channels`, `` and `message.groups` bot events have been enabled for your Slack App.

Lazy apps can be helpful in the Collaboration category by automating repetitive tasks and streamlining communication and project management processes. Here are a few ways lazy apps can assist in collaboration:

  1. Task Automation: Lazy apps can automate routine tasks, such as sending reminders, updating calendars, or generating reports. This frees up time for team members to focus on more important and creative aspects of their work.
  2. Communication Streamlining: Lazy apps can integrate with various communication tools, such as email, chat platforms, or project management software, to centralize and streamline communication. This ensures that team members have access to all relevant information and can collaborate effectively.
  3. Project Management: Lazy apps can assist in project management by automating project tracking, assigning tasks, and monitoring progress. They can also generate reports and provide real-time updates, making it easier for teams to stay organized and on track.
  4. File Management: Lazy apps can help in organizing and managing files by automatically categorizing and tagging them based on content or metadata. This makes it easier for team members to find and access the files they need, improving collaboration and productivity.
  5. Collaboration Tools Integration: Lazy apps can integrate with popular collaboration tools like Trello, Asana, or Slack, allowing teams to work seamlessly across different platforms. This integration ensures that information is synchronized and accessible to all team members, regardless of the tools they prefer to use.

Overall, lazy apps in the Collaboration category aim to simplify and automate tasks, enhance communication, and improve project management, ultimately boosting productivity and efficiency within teams.
