Dev Tools templates

Lazy templates help developing apps for Dev Tools. Lazy is a revolutionary software tool that turns the traditional Dev Tools application development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create Dev Tools apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.

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CSS ShadowCraft

A web page for creating and previewing custom CSS box shadow effects in real time.



Develop a secure User Authentication system for users to register, log in, and manage their profiles, laying the foundation for user-specific data management and permissions in the CMS.


Colorful Portfolio Pro

A modern, colorful, and responsive personal website showcasing software projects, experience, and resume with dummy data.


FALLBACK | Flask, HTML, JS and Tailwind Based Website

This is a good starting point for styled website. It has a header, footer. Has Tailwind and Flowbite loaded so you can build nice looking pages from here.


MP3ify: Youtube to MP3 Converter

A web application that allows users to download YouTube videos from URLs and provides the option to convert them to MP3 format.


FALLBACK | Flask, HTML, JS and Tailwind Based Website

This is a good starting point for styled website. It has a header, footer. Has Tailwind and Flowbite loaded so you can build nice looking pages from here.


Chrome Extension Builder

This template provides a simplified Chrome Extension Preview Tool that allows you to easily create and preview your own Chrome extensions. It includes a all the needed base files for an extension to function ,a convenient preview extension popup ,and a download feature to get your extension ready for deployment.

 Google Chrome

AI Scraper Selenium App

Use this skeleton to use AI to crawl a website


Selenium App

Use this skeleton if you need to use Selenium to build the app. Example: if the user needs to write an end to end test or an automation test or a regression test or a functional test or crawl a website when it needs to do some sophisticated steps e.g. clicks, page element.


Streamlit app with sample data

A basic streamlit web app starting point


Selenium App

Use this skeleton if you need to use Selenium to build the app. Example: if the user needs to write an end to end test or an automation test or a regression test or a functional test or crawl a website when it needs to do some sophisticated steps e.g. clicks, page element.


Backend Server

This skeleton is streamlined for creating backend services using FastAPI. It's an excellent choice for building microservices or APIs with minimal frontend requirements.

Fast API


Not all apps require sophisticated code and many only require some interaction from inputs and run similarly to the interactions that would exist in a shell terminal. This powerful app skeleton can be suitable for these apps. Examples: * app that does some processing and just prints results or sends it to some server or storage. * app that does some data crunching, either from user input or from external sources and then posts something on other platforms. * app that transforms the data in some way and outputs it using some libs.


FALLBACK | Flask, HTML, JS and Tailwind Based Website

This is a good starting point for styled website. It has a header, footer. Has Tailwind and Flowbite loaded so you can build nice looking pages from here.


Infinite Scroller Grid Pro

infinite scroller Grid Pro: A web application that displays fields in a grid format with 3 fields per row, featuring an infinite scroll mechanism for seamless browsing.


FALLBACK | Flask, HTML, JS and Tailwind Based Website

This is a good starting point for styled website. It has a header, footer. Has Tailwind and Flowbite loaded so you can build nice looking pages from here.


FALLBACK LATEST 1 THEME | Flask, HTML, JS and Tailwind Based Website

This is a good starting point for styled website. It has a header, footer. Has Tailwind and Flowbite loaded so you can build nice looking pages from here.


FALLBACK | Flask, HTML, JS and Tailwind Based Website

This is a good starting point for styled website. It has a header, footer. Has Tailwind and Flowbite loaded so you can build nice looking pages from here.


CSV Deduper

A webpage that dedupes a CSV based on the values in the first column and allows for downloading.


AI Specific Website Scraper

Provide a url and the information you need to extract . It will provide you the extracted information from that url


Demo of Playwright Text Scraper Working on Lazy

Playwright Text Scraper: A CLI app that navigates to, retrieves the webpage title, and prints the content of all visible text elements.


Streamlit Dashboard Generator

Generate streamlit dashboards from chatbot-generated datasets and visualize them with corresponding graphs.


Customisable Server Status Dashboard

This template allows you to create a dashboard to report about incidents regarding your server to your users.


A bot that answers questions about data

Ask questions about your database via a chat bot. This chatbot connects to a SQLITE database, generates queries for it based on the schema and then runs the queries printing the response all in a nicely styled chat UI. This template is pre-loaded with sample data (car parts) to play around with - here are the sample data columns that you can query: part_number, part_name, price, units_left_in_stock, manufacturer .


Twilio WhatsApp ChatBot Template (uses LLM prompt)

The WhatsApp Bot Builder app allows users to create a WhatsApp bot that responds to every message with "Hello World".



WebGen: A web development app that combines front-end and back-end skills to generate code based on user requests.


FALLBACK | Flask, HTML, JS and Tailwind Based Website

This is a good starting point for styled website. It has a header, footer and Tailwind loaded so you can build nice looking pages from here.


Flask, HTML, JS and Bootstrap Based Website

This is a good starting point for styled website. It has a header, footer and Bootstrap loaded so you can build nice looking pages from here.


Streamlit app with sample data

A basic streamlit web app starting point



Not all apps require sophisticated code and many only require some interaction from inputs and run similarly to the interactions that would exist in a shell terminal. This powerful app skeleton can be suitable for these apps. Examples: * app that does some processing and just prints results or sends it to some server or storage. * app that does some data crunching, either from user input or from external sources and then posts something on other platforms. * app that transforms the data in some way and outputs it using some libs.

No items found.

Backend Server

This skeleton is streamlined for creating backend services using FastAPI. It's an excellent choice for building microservices or APIs with minimal frontend requirements.

Fast API

SK1 | Basic Flask Website with HTML and JS

This skeleton is ideal for developers looking to integrate Python, HTML, and JavaScript seamlessly into a single application using Flask such as admin pages, web games, web apps, etc. It facilitates the creation of web-based applications with embedded client-side scripts. This setup is perfect for building full-stack web applications that require interactive elements on the front end while leveraging Python's robust backend capabilities. This skeleton is not a good choice for a backend app.


Selenium App

Use this skeleton if you need to use Selenium to build the app. Example: if the user needs to write an end to end test or an automation test or a regression test or a functional test or crawl a website when it needs to do some sophisticated steps e.g. clicks, page element.


Scrape Text From Website

A web app that allows users to input a URL and scrape the text from any webpage, displaying it in a formatted table along with the source URL and date scraped. Users can also download the table as a CSV file.


Web Scraper Pro

Web Scraper Pro: A web app that allows users to input a URL and scrape the text from any webpage, displaying it in a formatted table along with the source URL and date scraped. Users can also download the table as a CSV file.



This app generates unique usernames.


Create Event in Google Calendar API

This is a FastAPI application that interacts with the Google Calendar API to create events. It requires three environment secrets: CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, and REDIRECT_URI. The application has three main endpoints: POST /create_event: This endpoint accepts a dictionary representing an event and attempts to create this event on the primary calendar of the authenticated user. GET /oauth2callback: This endpoint handles the OAuth2 callback from Google. If no code is provided, it redirects the user to the Google authorization page. If a code is provided, it exchanges the code for an access token and stores the token. GET /clear_credentials: This endpoint clears the stored credentials. Please note that the application must be authenticated with Google before events can be created. This is done by accessing the /oauth2callback endpoint and following the Google authorization process.

Fast API

Streamlit Dashboard Creator

A customizable Streamlit dashboard template with a simple form, metrics, charts, and a detailed data view.


How to Get All Videos from Channel via Youtube API

This application provides Fast API endpoints to get videos all videos from a YouTube channel using Youtube API. The end points are "channel/videos" to get videos using channel id and "channel/videos/by-url" to get videos using YouTube channel url. The videos’ details such as ID, title, description, link, and published date are returned in a structured format. The application requires the ‘YOUTUBE_API_KEY’ to be set in the environment variables to authenticate the requests to the YouTube Data API.

Fast API

Get User ID Using Facebook API

An app that retrieves the Facebook user ID using the Facebook API. No specific permissions are required to make this api call. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting a logged-in user's id. A facebook access token will be needed to make the API call.

Fast API

Get Facebook Post Comments Using API

An app for fetching a post's comments using the Facebook API. The permission scopes you will need are `pages_read_engagement`, `pages_manage_metadata` and `pages_read_user_content`. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting a post's comments according to the post id and access token we provide the app. Using this app, we can retrieve and analyze comments on Facebook posts using the Facebook API.

Fast API

What Should I Do

This Flask application serves a decision form page and analyzes decisions based on user input. Upon receiving form submission via the /analyze route, it extracts goals, preferences, and constraints provided by the user. Using the llm_prompt function from the abilities module, it generates a detailed prompt for analyzing the decision. The application then renders the decision form page with the analysis result displayed. Additionally, it utilizes the StandaloneApplication class from to configure and run the Flask app as a standalone Gunicorn application. Made by BaranDev[]


Find Distance Between Two Points with Google Maps API

This is a FastAPI application that calculates the distance between two geographical points using the Google Maps API. Users input latitude and longitude of both points, and the app returns the distance. It requires a Google Maps API key stored in an environment variable ‘GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY’.

Fast API

Get Address from Longitude and Latitude using Google Maps API (Google Reverse Geolocation)

This application is a web server built with FastAPI. It provides an endpoint /get_location that fetches location data based on latitude and longitude using the Google Maps API. When a POST request is made to the /get_location endpoint with latitude and longitude as form data, the application returns the location data in JSON format. The application requires a Google Maps API key to function. This key should be provided via the environment variable GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY

Fast API

Get Longitude and Latitude from Address using Google Maps API

This application is a FastAPI web server that provides an endpoint to fetch the geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) of a given address. The endpoint /get_address_coordinates accepts an address as input and uses the Google Maps Geocoding API to fetch the corresponding coordinates. The application requires a Google Maps API key to function. This key should be provided via the environment variable GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY

Fast API

Get Channel ID via YouTube API

A FastAPI application to find YouTube channel ID. By simply providing a video URL, users can retrieve information about the video's channel, including the channel ID and channel name. The app leverages the YouTube API to fetch this data, requiring users to set a YOUTUBE_API_KEY in the environment variables for it to function correctly.

Fast API

Get Trending Videos via YouTube API

This app is provides fast api endpoint and is designed to fetch trending videos from YouTube based on keywords provided by the user. It utilizes the YouTube Data API v3 to search for videos that are currently trending in the US region. The app requires a valid YouTube API key, which must be set as an environment variable named `YOUTUBE_API_KEY`. The response includes detailed information about each video, including a direct link to the video on YouTube.


Create Repository from Template using Github API

This app creates a GitHub repository using a template repository with user-defined environment variables. The user can add the template repository name and repository owner details as environment variables. They can also add the custom name they would like to give the new repository created from the template. The app uses FastAPI for making the api call to Github endpoints.

Fast API

Scrape Data from PDF using Python & Flask

This scraper tool extracts text from PDF files and displays it on a webpage. Built with Python and Flask. Upon running, users receive a link to access the website. Upload a text-based PDF, hit submit, and view the extracted data on an HTML page.


Create Repository from Template using GitHub API

This app utilizes Flask for the backend and JavaScript with Octokit for the frontend. It allows users to browse GitHub repositories tagged with 'template-repository', displaying them with options to create new repositories from selected templates. The Flask backend serves the HTML template, passing along a GitHub token securely. The frontend fetches repositories from GitHub, displaying them dynamically and enabling users to create new repositories based on selected templates, all while maintaining a modern and responsive user interface. Made by BaranDev[]


Search Code Repository using GitHub API by Name or User

This application is a GitHub Code Search tool, employing Flask for the backend and JavaScript with the Octokit library for the frontend. Users can input search queries, and the application fetches results from GitHub's code repository using the GitHub API. The Flask backend handles the API requests, while the JavaScript frontend dynamically displays the search results in a table format. The application provides a user-friendly interface for efficiently searching and browsing code hosted on GitHub. You can search by name or by user by customizing this template. Made by BaranDev[]


Get (List) All Repositories using GitHub API

This application utilizes Flask for the backend to fetch GitHub repositories of a specified user or organization. The frontend is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to provide a simple user interface for inputting the GitHub username or organization. Upon submission, the backend fetches the repositories using the GitHub API and renders the results dynamically on the frontend. Users can also reset the table to clear the displayed repositories. Additionally, error handling is implemented to handle cases where no repositories are found or there is an issue with the GitHub API token. Made by BaranDev[]


Stripe API Testing

This application utilizes Flask for the backend and JavaScript with Stripe API for the frontend. It allows users to test various Stripe functionalities such as adding a card to a customer, creating a charge, and retrieving customer details. The backend interacts with the Stripe API using the stripe library, while the frontend provides a simple form for users to input their Stripe API secret and an optional customer ID. Upon submitting the form, the frontend sends a POST request to the backend, which then executes the specified tests and returns the results to be displayed on the page. Made by BaranDev[]


Online ZIP to PDF Converter

This application utilizes Flask for the backend and JavaScript for the frontend to convert a ZIP file containing PDFs into downloadable PDFs with corresponding download links. Users upload a ZIP file through a form, triggering a POST request to the backend. The backend extracts the PDF files from the uploaded ZIP, generates download links for each PDF, and returns the links as a table to the frontend. The frontend then displays the table with the download links for each PDF file. Made by BaranDev[]


Hello World App

A program that displays 'Hello, World!' on the screen


Get Holidays List from Google Calendar API

A holiday fetching app that uses the Google Calendar API to display holidays based on country and year. Google calendar api allows to fetch holidays for current, previous and next year only. Requires GOOGLE_API_KEY to run.


Get All Events by Date in Google Calendar API

This application allows you to retrieve a list of events for a specific date from a Google Calendar. For each event, you will receive the start time, end time, summary, description, and other information returned by google api.


Get Address from Longitude and Latitude

An app for asking questions about location data based on latitude and longitude coordinates.


CodeLine Counter

This application processes zip files and displays code file details in a visually appealing table format.


Extract Metadata from Images

The app is a simple and user-friendly web application designed to upload images (photos or other pictures), extract their metadata online, and provide a download link for the metadata information in JSON format.


Update Metafields in Shopify using API

A app for managing metafields in a Shopify store. It includes endpoints to create, update, and retrieve metafields for resources in a Shopify store. The app requires a SHOPIFY_ADMIN_API_TOKEN to authenticate requests


Create Product using Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to create a product with it's price. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint for this purpose. The backend makes API calls to create a product and its price object using the Stripe API and the submitted form data.


Create Charge with Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to create a charge. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint for this purpose. The backend makes an API call to create a charge using the Stripe API and the submitted form data.


Get Products with Prices using Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to get all products with prices. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint for this purpose. The backend makes an API call to get all products with prices using the Stripe API. The app displays the list.


Bulk Update Inventory with Shopify API

The app includes two main functionalities: 1. A POST endpoint `/bulk_update_inventory` that allows bulk updating of inventory levels for products in a Shopify store. It requires a JSON payload with the store URL, location ID, and a list of inventory updates. 2. A GET endpoint `/fetch_inventory_levels` that retrieves the inventory levels for a specific location in a Shopify store. It requires the store URL and location ID as query parameters. For the app to function correctly, please ensure the following environment variable is set in the Env Secrets tab: - `SHOPIFY_ADMIN_API_TOKEN`: This is the Shopify admin API token used for authenticating requests to the Shopify GraphQL API.

Fast API

Phone Number Lookup with Twilio API

The Phone Number Lookup with Twilio API app allows users to input a phone number using a command line prompt. The app validates phone numbers in international format and uses the Twilio API to fetch information such as carrier and country. If a phone number is not found, the app outputs that the number does not exist. The app has been updated to use the latest Twilio API endpoints and handle any errors that may occur.


Selenium Web Scraper Youtube Channel

This app uses Selenium to navigate directly to the specified YouTube channel URL, goes to the "Videos" tab, scrolls down until a specified number of videos are found, retrieves the list of these videos on the channel, and prints the collected video data in the console. The app also handles errors during the extraction of videos and prints the progress of the number of videos data that is being collected throughout the app lifecycle. The app requires the user to provide the URL of the YouTube channel and the maximum number of videos to collect data from in the console.


Stripe Webhook Test Sender

This app will send and test the mock webhook received from the Stripe API. Stripe Webhook test will print the data on the console.

Fast API

Website Stats App

The Website Stats App is a bot that provides detailed statistics about a given website. It visits the website, determines its load time, status, and security level. The app also handles errors for incorrect URLs, notifies the user if the website processing is taking some time, and alerts the user if the website is down or not reachable. Additionally, the app automatically posts updates on a Discord channel every 7 hours. If Discord credentials and channel ID for Discord are present, it will use that. The environment variables required for this app are: DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL, and WEBSITE_URL.


Weekly Jira Issue Count to Slack

This app fetches Jira issues that had status change in the last week, calculates the count of issues in different issue types, further breaks down each issue type by issue status, prepares a summary for it in form of a table using tabulate, posts the summary in a Slack channel, and schedules the app to run every time the server is started and then every week afterwards. The app requires the following environment variables to be set: - `JIRA_SERVER`: The URL of your Jira server. - `JIRA_USERNAME`: Your Jira username. - `JIRA_API_TOKEN`: Your Jira API token. - `JIRA_PROJECT_NAME`: The name of your Jira project. - `SLACK_TOKEN`: Your Slack token. - `CHANNEL_ID`: The ID of the Slack channel where the summary will be posted.


You might be interested

Discord Bot

This powerful app skeleton is a great starting place for a Discord bot

Machine Learning Model Evaluation Dashboard

A customizable Streamlit dashboard template for evaluating machine learning models with interactive elements and real-time visualizations. This comprehensive dashboard allows you to upload your dataset and evaluate it using various pre-trained machine learning models. You can select from models like Random Forest, SVM, and Logistic Regression. Adjust model parameters using interactive sliders and buttons. The dashboard provides real-time visualizations, including dynamic charts and confusion matrices, to help you interpret the results effectively. Ideal for data scientists and ML enthusiasts looking to quickly assess model performance.

Discord Auto Role Bot with Assignment

This template provides an overview of the Discord auto role bot, a tool, for managing roles on Discord servers. It can automatically assign roles to users and new members when they join. This bot is especially handy for servers where role management can be time consuming. To use it you need to set the 'DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN' in the environment variables. The bot offers commands such as '!add_role <user>'; assigns a role to a user or the command author if no user is specified and 'on_member_join'; automatically gives members the 'New Member' role upon joining.

Basic Telegram Bot

A good starting point for a telegram bot.

Create Charge with Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to create a charge. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint for this purpose. The backend makes an API call to create a charge using the Stripe API and the submitted form data.

Create Payment Method with Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to create payment methods for users. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint to create a payment method. The backend makes an API call to create the payment method using the Stripe API. The app displays the payment method ID in an alert after submission. The app allows for the use of test tokens to create payment methods using test cards.

Lazy apps can be helpful in the Dev Tools category by providing developers with tools and features that automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and increase productivity. Here are a few ways lazy apps can be beneficial:

  1. Code generation: Lazy apps can automatically generate boilerplate code, reducing the time and effort required to write repetitive code snippets. This can be particularly useful for tasks like creating models, controllers, or database queries.
  2. Automated testing: Lazy apps can assist in automating the testing process by providing tools for generating test cases, running tests, and analyzing test results. This can help developers identify and fix bugs more efficiently.
  3. Task automation: Lazy apps can automate routine tasks, such as building and deploying applications, running scripts, or managing dependencies. This saves developers time and allows them to focus on more critical aspects of their work.
  4. Code analysis and optimization: Lazy apps can analyze code for potential performance issues, security vulnerabilities, or coding best practices. They can provide suggestions and automated fixes to optimize code and improve overall application quality.
  5. Integration with development environments: Lazy apps can seamlessly integrate with popular development environments, such as IDEs or text editors, providing developers with quick access to tools and features without leaving their coding environment.
  6. Documentation generation: Lazy apps can generate documentation from code comments or annotations, making it easier for developers to maintain up-to-date documentation for their projects.

Overall, lazy apps in the Dev Tools category aim to simplify and automate various aspects of the development process, allowing developers to be more efficient and productive.

Dev Tools