Finance templates

Lazy templates help developing apps for Finance. Lazy is a revolutionary software tool that turns the traditional Finance application development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create Finance apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.

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Financial Analysis Bot

The Financial Analysis Bot generates AI summaries of financial data for renowned US companies using the Alpha Vantage API.


Emoji Financial News Bot

This app creates a Telegram bot that fetches the latest financial news from Bloomberg's RSS feed, analyzes the news titles using LLM ability, and shares it with users in the form of emoji representations. The user will be asked for their API token when they run the app.


Emoji Financial News Bot

This app creates a Telegram bot that fetches the latest financial news from Bloomberg's RSS feed, analyzes the news titles using LLM ability, and shares it with users in the form of emoji representations. The user will be asked for their API token when they run the app.


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Discord Bot That Deletes Messages

The Discord Message Management Bot is designed to manage messages in a Discord channel. It requires two environment variables to function properly: DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN (the token of your Discord bot) and DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID (the ID of the channel where messages will be managed). The bot includes several commands that allow an admin to manage messages in the channel, including setting an automatic message clearing interval, removing the automatic message clearing interval, deleting all messages from a specific user, deleting all messages sent by a specified bot, deleting all duplicate messages, and deleting all messages containing a specific keyword.

Versatile Input Form

Develop a versatile input form for users.

Get Address from Longitude and Latitude using Google Maps API (Google Reverse Geolocation)

An app for asking questions about location data based on latitude and longitude coordinates. This app allows to get address from longitude (long) and latitude (lat) using Google Maps API. Google reverse geolocation helps to get address from coordinates using Google Maps API.

Scrape Text From Website

A web app that allows users to input a URL and scrape the text from any webpage, displaying it in a formatted table along with the source URL and date scraped. Users can also download the table as a CSV file.

GitHub Webhook Example

This is a Python Flask API application that handles GitHub webhooks that have been setup for a GitHub repository. The app listens to and receives incoming JSON data from GitHub on it's endpoint `github/webhook/`, and prints it for the user to see. The JSON data can then be stored or further processed as required. The app URL will be used in the webhook setup on GitHub.

QR Redirector App

The QR Redirector App now asks for the iOS and Android URLs on startup, detects the user's device type, and displays a QR code that redirects to the respective store URL within an HTML page.

Lazy apps can be helpful in the Finance category by automating various financial tasks and providing convenient features that save time and effort for users. Here are a few ways lazy apps can be beneficial:

  1. Expense tracking: Lazy apps can automatically track and categorize expenses by syncing with bank accounts and credit cards. This eliminates the need for manual entry and ensures accurate records of spending.
  2. Bill payment: Lazy apps can automate bill payments by linking to bank accounts and scheduling payments in advance. This helps users avoid late fees and ensures bills are paid on time without the need for manual intervention.
  3. Budgeting: Lazy apps can create and manage budgets by analyzing spending patterns and suggesting personalized budget plans. They can also send notifications and reminders to help users stay on track with their financial goals.
  4. Investment management: Lazy apps can provide automated investment management services, often referred to as robo-advisors. These apps use algorithms to create and manage investment portfolios based on user preferences and risk tolerance.
  5. Savings automation: Lazy apps can help users save money effortlessly by automatically transferring a portion of their income into savings or investment accounts. This promotes consistent saving habits without requiring users to actively manage their savings.
  6. Financial insights: Lazy apps can analyze financial data and provide users with personalized insights and recommendations. This can include identifying potential savings opportunities, suggesting better credit card options, or providing tips for improving financial health.

Overall, lazy apps in the Finance category aim to simplify and streamline financial tasks, making it easier for users to manage their money with minimal effort.
