Integrations templates

Lazy templates help developing apps for Integrations. Lazy is a revolutionary software tool that turns the traditional Integrations application development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create Integrations apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.

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WhatsApp bot

A good starting place for a WhatsApp bot app


Basic Slack Bot

This is a simple starting point for a Slack bot it just responds hi to a mention.


with Google (set up Google authentication)

This template enhances the login and profile display functionality by giving the user a quick and easy sign in option using their own google accounts

Google Sheets

Basic Telegram Bot

A good starting point for a telegram bot.


Job Search Website

A customisable one-page job search website with a search bar and a search button that displays UI cards of matching jobs. You need to have a (free) account on to get the API key required for this to work.


GPT-4o Reminders WhatsApp bot

This bot uses GPT-4o to give Whatsapp-based reminders to people just by chatting. In the encryption key environment secret, you need to get a 128 bit AES hex key from a website such as


WhatsApp ChatBot Template with customer chat api (Twilio, InstantChat)

Build a WhatApp chatbot using Twilio, Discord and LazyAI.


DALL-E 3 QuickStart API

Do you want to integrate with DALL-E 3 quickly? Well, all you need for this API to work is your OpenAI API key and you have a usable DALL-E 3 server in minutes! It takes in a prompt and responds with a URL to your new image.


Basic Slack Bot

This is a simple starting point for a Slack bot it just responds hi to a mention.


Basic Telegram Bot

A good starting point for a telegram bot.


Claude 3 Quickstart Chat API

A Chat API that allows you to immediately integrate any application you're building with the largest anthropic model (Claude Opus) with only your API key. Once you run the app, you can use this app's "/ask-claude" endpoint to send a request to Claude 3 from any application you build.


Twitter Announcement Discord Bot

This app tracks the growth of a Discord server and posts updates to Twitter. This app creates a tweet to your twitter account every time another hundred users join your discord server. Make sure you have twitter access tokens created with Read, Write, and Direct Messages permissions to run this app.


Search Email with GMail API

This is a FastAPI-based application that uses Google’s Gmail API to fetch and display emails based on user-defined search queries. It provides a /search_emails endpoint for email searches and a /oauth2callback endpoint for OAuth2 callbacks. The app requires the environment variables CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, and REDIRECT_URI for OAuth2 authentication. These credentials pertain to your Google API and must be set correctly for the application to function as expected.

Fast API

Moderate Comments on Facebook Page

An app that moderates comments on your page feed using Facebook API and webhooks. This app uses the FastAPI to create a webhook endpoint for moderating posts on your page. A facebook access token for the page will be needed to make the API call. The permission scopes you will need for the access token are `pages_read_engagement` and `pages_manage_posts permissions` as an admin of the page you are posting to. The app moderates comments on Facebook ads/posts by removing and flagging hateful speech.

Fast API

Share Post Using Facebook API

An app that shares a post to your page feed using Facebook API. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for sharing a post on your page. A facebook access token for the page will be needed to make the API call. The permission scopes you will need for the access token are `pages_read_engagement` and `pages_manage_posts permissions` as an admin of the page you are posting to. A link to another facebook can also be provided to share that post with a caption on your page.

Fast API

GitHub Webhook Example

This is a Python Flask API application that handles GitHub webhooks that have been setup for a GitHub repository. The app listens to and receives incoming JSON data from GitHub on it's endpoint `github/webhook/`, and prints it for the user to see. The JSON data can then be stored or further processed as required. The app URL will be used in the webhook setup on GitHub.


Get Facebook Leads Using API

An app that fetches Facebook leads forms for a page using the Facebook Developers API. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting the page lead forms. A facebook access token for the page will be needed to make the API call. The permission scopes you will need for the access token are `ads_management`, `pages_read_engagement`, `pages_show_list`, `pages_manage_ads` and ` leads_retrieval`.

Fast API

Get Latest Video from Channel via YouTube API

A FastAPI-based application that retrieves the latest video details from your favorite channels using the YouTube API. Simply provide a channel ID or URL to get comprehensive results, including video ID, title, and description. The app requires a YouTube API key, which can be set as an environment variable.

Fast API

Get & Read Email with GMail API

This Python script uses Flask to create a web application that connects to the Gmail API and retrieves the user's unread emails. The script defines two routes: "/" displays the user's unread emails, and "/oauth2callback" is the OAuth 2.0 callback URI. Following api keys need to be set as environment secrets to authenticate with google api: 1. CLIENT_ID 2. CLIENT_SECRET 3. REDIRECT_URI


Get Facebook Page Reviews Using API

An app for fetching a logged-in pages's review using the Facebook API. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting the page reviews. A facebook access token for the page will be needed to make the API call. The permission scope you will need for the access token is `pages_read_user_content`.

Fast API

Get Facebook Pages List Using API

An app for fetching a logged-in user's pages using the Facebook API. The permission scope you will need is `pages_manage_metadata`. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting a user's pages that they are an admin of. A facebook access token will be needed to make the API call.

Fast API

Firebase Authentication with Flask Backend

This application integrates Firebase authentication with a Flask backend. The firebaseconfig.js file initializes Firebase using the provided configuration fetched from the backend. It exports the initialized Firebase app and authentication object. The signedin.js file handles sign-in functionality on the client-side. It retrieves user information from session storage upon page load, displays it, and redirects to the sign-in page if the information is not found. It also handles sign-in and sign-out actions, making requests to the backend for authentication. The backend then interacts with Firebase to authenticate users, store user data in session, and handle sign-out requests. Made by BaranDev[]


Get Posts Using Facebook API

An app for fetching a Facebook user's posts using the Facebook API. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting user posts according to the user id and access token we provide the app. You can customize this app to get Facebook group posts as well.

Fast API

Send Message with WhatsApp API

An app for sending WhatsApp messages to individual numbers using the WhatsApp API. This app using the fastAPI to create an endpoint to call the WhatsApp API for sending messages to the phone numbers we provide through a WhatsApp Business Account Number.

Fast API

Discord Bot That Posts Tweets to Twitter

The application is a Discord bot that integrates with Twitter. It allows users to post tweets directly from Discord using the command `!tweet`. The bot uses environment variables for sensitive data such as the Discord bot token and Twitter API credentials, ensuring security best practices. The required tokens are: DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN, TWITTER_API_KEY, TWITTER_API_SECRET, TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN, and TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET.


Create Slack Channel using API

An app for Slack integration allowing the creation of public channels using the Slack API. This webhook app requires 'SLACK_BOT_TOKEN' to authenticate with slack api. It also requires channels:manage scope enabled to create channels. Further enchancements to prompts may allow the app to add the user to the channel.


Search Slack Message using API

A Slack app with search functionality for messages based on query, username, and channel name. Requires SLACK_USER_TOKEN with search:read users scope enabled.


Connect Payout with Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to create payouts for Connect Stripe Accouts and allows users to modify the payout schedule. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint for this purpose. The backend makes API calls to create a transfer of funds and update the payout schedule using the Stripe API and the submitted form data.


Get Customer Subscriptions using Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to get all active customer subscriptions. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint for this purpose. The backend makes an API call to get all active customer subscriptions using the Stripe API. The app displays the list. This app can be customized to also get Stripe subscriptions by customer id.


Set Default Payment Method in Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to set a default payment method for customers. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint to create the default payment method. The backend makes an API call to set the payment method using the Stripe API. The app displays whether the API call was successful or not after submission.


Create Connected Account with Stripe API

This python app uses the Stripe API to create a connected account. The backend makes an API call to create the connected account using the Stripe API and the dummy form data.


Create Payment Method with Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to create payment methods for users. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint to create a payment method. The backend makes an API call to create the payment method using the Stripe API. The app displays the payment method ID in an alert after submission. The app allows for the use of test tokens to create payment methods using test cards.


Receive SMS with Twilio SMS API

This app allows users to receive SMS messages using the Twilio SMS API and generate custom responses based on the received message. Users can set a Twilio number to receive the SMS messages and customize responses for specific keywords or phrases. Users can use the URL endpoint generated from this app as a Webhook URL on their Twilio number's messaging configuration so that received messages can be forwarded to this app.


Check Stripe Subscription Status with API

This app is a Stripe API integration that allows users to check their customers subscription status. Users can access the app through a web interface where they can enter their customer email address. The app will then make an API call to Stripe to retrieve the subscription status and display it on the same page. The app requires the user to set the 'STRIPE_API_KEY' in the Env Secrets tab for authentication with the Stripe API.


Create Invoice with Stripe API

This app integrates with Stripe API to create and manage invoices. It provides a seamless experience for users to generate invoices and make payments. The backend handles the creation of Stripe customers and invoices, while the frontend includes a JavaScript function to post data to the backend and redirect users to the payment page. A valid Stripe API key is essential for the app's operation.


Create Payment Link with Stripe API

This app creates a Stripe payment link object using its API, allowing users to generate payment links for specific products or services. You must provide Stripe API keys and price details via environment variables for security.


Send & Post Message to Slack using API

This Slack Send & Post Message app will respond to messages sent to a channel. It will include the original message as a quote and the channel name in the private responses it sends. It will use the `llm_prompt` ability to generate responses. The app will ensure secure handling of Slack API credentials and log errors for maintenance and review. Make sure Event Subscriptions and `message.channels`, `` and `message.groups` bot events have been enabled for your Slack App.


Create SalesForce Webhook Example Integration

The Python server will receive data from a Salesforce webhook and print the data for verification purposes. It will also display the Salesforce webhook URL to confirm where it is listening for incoming requests. Follow the given instructions to setup a Webhook trigger on a SalesForce object.


Create Account with Stripe API

This app template allows for the creation of Stripe accounts on the fly. It will automatically redirect the user to the Stripe page to provide their information. Once the user has provided their information, they will be returned to the return_url specified by the frontend. This app requires that Stripe Connect is set up and that the Stripe secret key is provided as an environment variable.


Create Subscription with Stripe API

This app integrates a custom Stripe subscription API. It includes a backend service set up using FastAPI and is compatible with any price point established through the Stripe API. The backend service creates a Stripe subscription and allows all CORS. It also logs sent requests and subscription statuses. The price ID, customer ID, and payment method are fetched during the request from the user. After adding the Stripe API key, the backend service can be activated by clicking the test button. The required environment secrets for this app are STRIPE_SECRET_KEY.

Fast API

Stripe Subscription API

This app integrates a custom Stripe subscription API. It includes a backend service set up using FastAPI and is compatible with any price point established through the Stripe API. The backend service creates a Stripe subscription and allows all CORS. It also logs sent requests and subscription statuses. The price ID, customer ID, and payment method are fetched during the request from the user. After adding the Stripe API key, the backend service can be activated by clicking the test button. The required environment secrets for this app are STRIPE_SECRET_KEY.

Fast API

How to Implement Stripe Payment Gateway into Wordpress

This template integrates a custom Stripe payment gateway in WordPress. It includes both a backend and a frontend. The backend service is set up using FastAPI and is compatible with any price point established through the Stripe API. The backend service creates a Stripe checkout session and retrieves the status of a checkout session. It also allows all CORS and logs sent requests and checkout session statuses. The price ID is fetched during the request from the user. After adding the Stripe API key and directing the backend service to the price ID, the backend service can be activated by clicking the test button. The frontend code can be integrated into a WordPress page to create a custom payment gateway page with a payment button in WordPress. This method can be used to set up various types of payment pages in WordPress, including one-time payments and subscriptions. The required environment secrets for this app are STRIPE_SECRET_KEY and YOUR_DOMAIN.

Fast API

How to implement Stripe into Wordpress

This app integrates a custom Stripe payment page in WordPress. It includes both a backend and a frontend. The backend service is set up using FastAPI and is compatible with any price point established through the Stripe API. The backend service creates a Stripe checkout session and retrieves the status of a checkout session. It also allows all CORS and logs sent requests and checkout session statuses. The price ID is fetched during the request from the user. After adding the Stripe API key and directing the backend service to the price ID, the backend service can be activated by clicking the test button. The frontend code can be integrated into a WordPress page to create a custom payment page in WordPress. This method can be used to set up various types of payment pages in WordPress, including one-time payments and subscriptions. The required environment secrets for this app are STRIPE_SECRET_KEY and YOUR_DOMAIN.

Fast API

Integration of Stripe Checkout Page in Webflow

To integrate a custom Stripe checkout page in Webflow, you need both a backend and a frontend. This template enables you to quickly set up the backend service. It is compatible with any price point you have established through the Stripe API. After adding the API key and directing the backend service to the price ID, you can activate the backend service by clicking the test button. Then, by integrating the Stripe frontend code into a Webflow page, you instantly create a custom payment page in Webflow. This method can be used to set up various types of payment pages in Webflow, including one-time payments and subscriptions.


Create Stripe Payment Intent with API

This app template will create and retrieve a payment intent on Stripe using API. It requires the Stripe API key to be set as an environment variable named 'STRIPE_API_KEY'. The template provides a POST endpoint at '/create_payment_intent' to create a payment intent and a GET endpoint at '/retrieve_payment_intent/{payment_intent_id}' to retrieve a payment intent.

Fast API

JIRA JQL Generator Slack Bot

This app, named "Slack Mention Jira Query Generator", is designed to assist you in generating Jira Query Language (JQL) queries directly from Slack. When you mention the app in a Slack message, it will generate a JQL based on your message and ask if you want to run the query. If you agree, it will execute the query on Jira and return the results in the same Slack thread. The app is designed to handle multiple users at the same time and ensures that the correct JQL is associated with the user who requested it. It also formats the JQL results to share the links of the issues instead of the actual issue object, making it easier for you to navigate to the issues directly from Slack. To use this app, you will need to provide the following environment variables: - SLACK_BOT_TOKEN: You can get this by creating a new app in your Slack workspace, adding the bot scope, and installing the app in the workspace. - SLACK_APP_TOKEN: This can be generated by enabling Socket Mode for the app in the Slack API settings and generating an App-Level token. - JIRA_API_TOKEN and JIRA_EMAIL: These can be generated from your Jira account settings. - JIRA_SERVER_URL: This is the URL of your Jira server.


Cancel Stripe Subscription using API

This app will react to a Stripe API for subscription cancellation and immediately print the data received from the webhook. It's a good starting point to hook up additional functionality to then create some event in a database or create a notification or for example disable access for a customer.


Stripe Subscription Creation Notifier API Webhook

This app will react to a Stripe API webhook and print the received data. It's a good starting point to hook up additional functionality to then create some event in a database or create a notification or for example enable access for a customer. Stripe Subscription Creation Notifier API Webhook template will also print a message if the secret is wrong.


Gmail Organization Invitation API

This app is an API that sends an invitation email from a Gmail account with 2FA enabled. It accepts various inputs to generate a personalized invitation email based on the name of the email of the person being invited, the email who invited the person and the name of the organisation and an invitation link.


Jira Weekly Done Issues to Slack

This app provides a summary of completed Jira tasks posted to a specific Slack thread every week. It uses the Jira API to download closed tickets from the current week. The query filters for tickets with the status 'Done' and last updated this week. The ticket details, including the ticket URL, are posted to Slack in a single thread. The required environment variables are JIRA_DOMAIN, JIRA_EMAIL, JIRA_API_TOKEN, SLACK_TOKEN, and SLACK_CHANNEL.


Webflow Collection Item Blog Post Draft API

The Webflow Blog Post Publisher is an app that provides an API endpoint to publish blog posts on Webflow as a draft. The API accepts all necessary information to create a blog post, including the Webflow API token. It also accepts extra fields that will be sent to Webflow as part of the fieldData. The name of the new item added to the collection will be the post_name provided in the request. The slug of the new item will be derived from the post_name by replacing spaces with underscores. The API accepts optional fields in the BlogPostData for extra_fields. All the optional fields will be part of the dictionary extra_fields. All the variables in the extra_fields are converted to kebab-case before they are passed into fieldData. The optional fields inside extra_fields variable are post_body, thumbnail_image, main_image, and post_summary. The app requires two environment variables to function properly: WEBFLOW_API_TOKEN and COLLECTION_ID. The post is linked with the collection in Webflow. The COLLECTION_ID environment variable is the ID of the collection in Webflow where the post will be added.


Send a daily report of some metrics from BigQuery to Slack

This app fetches data from BigQuery using a provided SQL query, formats the data into a table, and posts the table to a specified Slack channel. The data posting is scheduled to happen every day at 10 am UK time.


Gmail Email Sender App

This app securely connects to GMAIL via SMPT app and sends a test email. It can be used as a basic building block to build more complicated email sending apps.


Discord Server Member Count Web Component

A web component that displays the member count of a Discord server and can be embedded in a Webflow website. The member count is fetched from an API endpoint, and the web component is served through another API endpoint.

Fast API

Random Joke to Google Spreadsheet

This app fetches a random joke from an API, creates a new Google Spreadsheet, adds the joke to the new Google Spreadsheet, and responds back to the user with the URL to the new Google Spreadsheet using user's OAuth tokens for authentication.

Google Sheets

Send & Post Message to Slack using API

A Rest API that sends personal messages to Slack, supporting both direct private messages to user and posting messages in threads.


You might be interested

Online ZIP to PDF Converter

This application utilizes Flask for the backend and JavaScript for the frontend to convert a ZIP file containing PDFs into downloadable PDFs with corresponding download links. Users upload a ZIP file through a form, triggering a POST request to the backend. The backend extracts the PDF files from the uploaded ZIP, generates download links for each PDF, and returns the links as a table to the frontend. The frontend then displays the table with the download links for each PDF file. Made by BaranDev[]

Infinite Scroller Grid Pro

infinite scroller Grid Pro: A web application that displays fields in a grid format with 3 fields per row, featuring an infinite scroll mechanism for seamless browsing.

Get Longitude and Latitude from Address using Google Maps API

This application is a FastAPI web server that provides an endpoint to fetch the geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) of a given address. The endpoint /get_address_coordinates accepts an address as input and uses the Google Maps Geocoding API to fetch the corresponding coordinates. The application requires a Google Maps API key to function. This key should be provided via the environment variable GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY

CodeLine Counter

This application processes zip files and displays code file details in a visually appealing table format.

Connect Payout with Stripe API

This app uses the Stripe API to create payouts for Connect Stripe Accouts and allows users to modify the payout schedule. It includes a Flask web service with an endpoint for this purpose. The backend makes API calls to create a transfer of funds and update the payout schedule using the Stripe API and the submitted form data.

AI Query Generator Slack Bot for BigQuery

This app allows users to interact with a Slack bot, ask a question about the data in a table or request the table schema, and then uses the latest ChatGPT to generate a query that is executed on BigQuery to return the results. The app includes a retry mechanism for query generation in case of an error (up to two retries) and provides the LLM with the table info to generate more accurate queries. The table schema is only printed if it is successfully retrieved. All errors from retries are now passed to the LLM. The generated query is printed before the results, and the results are displayed in a pretty table format. The bot uses the Slack API to send and receive messages and parses the user's message to determine the action to take. The bot always responds in a thread to the original message.

Lazy apps can be helpful in the Integrations category by automating and streamlining various tasks and processes. Here are a few ways lazy apps can be beneficial:

  1. Data synchronization: Lazy apps can automatically sync data between different platforms or applications, eliminating the need for manual data entry or import/export processes. This can save time and reduce the risk of errors.
  2. Workflow automation: Lazy apps can automate repetitive tasks and workflows by integrating different systems and triggering actions based on specific events or conditions. For example, an app could automatically create a new task in a project management tool when a new email is received.
  3. Notifications and alerts: Lazy apps can send notifications or alerts to keep users informed about important events or changes. For instance, an app could send a notification when a specific condition is met in a data set or when a certain event occurs in another application.
  4. Cross-platform compatibility: Lazy apps can bridge the gap between different platforms and applications, allowing them to work together seamlessly. This can be particularly useful when working with multiple tools or systems that do not have native integration capabilities.
  5. Customization and personalization: Lazy apps often provide customization options, allowing users to tailor the integration to their specific needs. This can include mapping fields, defining rules, or setting up filters to ensure that the integration works exactly as desired.

Overall, lazy apps in the Integrations category can simplify and optimize workflows, improve efficiency, and reduce manual effort by automating tasks and connecting different systems.
