News & Lifestyle templates

Lazy templates help developing apps for News & Lifestyle. Lazy is a revolutionary software tool that turns the traditional News & Lifestyle application development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create News & Lifestyle apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.

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News API

The News API app allows users to select news categories and receive a list of 10 headlines from those categories. Made by Barandev[]


Daily News Summarizer from Google Alerts RSS Feed

This app pulls news on demand from a Google Alerts RSS feed, and generates a short summary of the article using a language model. The app provides an interface for the user to request a generated article summary on demand. It filters articles to only include those published today. The user needs to provide the Google Alerts RSS feed URL for the app to run.


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Discord Poll Bot

This Discord bot allows users to create polls with custom questions, options, and durations. Users can interact with the bot using the "/poll" command to create polls, which are then presented with reaction emojis for voting. The bot tallies votes in real-time and announces the winning option when the poll closes. It is designed to be user-friendly, providing help messages and feedback on command usage.

Discord Bot

This powerful app skeleton is a great starting place for a Discord bot

Search Slack Message using API

A Slack app with search functionality for messages based on query, username, and channel name. Requires SLACK_USER_TOKEN with search:read users scope enabled.

Pac-Mania: The Ultimate Maze Adventure

Enhancements to the Pacman game include a refined grid structure, improved movement mechanics for Pacman, dynamic ghost behavior, pause and resume functionality, and accessibility features.

WebSolution Finder

WebSolution Finder: A web app that uses google to generate a curated list of websites that can help solve specific problems or situations.

Send & Post Message to Slack using API

A Rest API that sends personal messages to Slack, supporting both direct private messages to user and posting messages in threads.

Lazy apps can be helpful in the News & Lifestyle category by providing users with a convenient and efficient way to stay updated on the latest news and trends without putting in much effort. Here are a few ways lazy apps can be helpful:

  1. Personalized news curation: Lazy apps can use algorithms and user preferences to curate personalized news feeds, ensuring that users only see the news and lifestyle content that is relevant to their interests. This saves users time and effort in searching for news articles or lifestyle content that they would find interesting.
  2. Automated content aggregation: Lazy apps can automatically aggregate news and lifestyle content from various sources, such as news websites, blogs, and social media platforms. This eliminates the need for users to manually visit multiple websites or apps to get their daily dose of news and lifestyle updates.
  3. Push notifications: Lazy apps can send push notifications to users' devices, alerting them about breaking news, trending topics, or new lifestyle articles. This way, users can stay informed without actively seeking out information.
  4. Offline reading: Lazy apps can allow users to download news articles or lifestyle content for offline reading. This is especially useful for users who have limited internet connectivity or prefer to read content at their own convenience, without relying on a constant internet connection.
  5. Voice assistants: Lazy apps can integrate with voice assistants like Siri or Google Assistant, allowing users to get news updates or lifestyle recommendations simply by using voice commands. This hands-free approach makes it even easier for users to stay informed and access relevant content.

Overall, lazy apps in the News & Lifestyle category aim to simplify the process of staying updated and engaged with the latest news and trends, making it more convenient and effortless for users.

News & Lifestyle