Minahil Faisal

Minahil Faisal

Creative software engineer who’s always ready to dive into new challenges, work hard, and have fun while doing it. Eager to grow and learn — let’s create something amazing together!

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/minahilfaysl/


Minahil Faisal
hasn't added any apps yet. 😔


Add Chatbot to a Website

A chat interface where users can chat with an AI using the llm ability package on Lazy. This Flask website is meant to simulate a store with dummy data and an AI assistant that a user can talk to about anything using the chat floating button on the bottom right of the page. The chatbox maintains chat history and generates replies with the context of the chat.

Send Message with WhatsApp API

An app for sending WhatsApp messages to individual numbers using the WhatsApp API. This app using the fastAPI to create an endpoint to call the WhatsApp API for sending messages to the phone numbers we provide through a WhatsApp Business Account Number.

Fast API
Convert PDF to CSV File Format

An app that converts uploaded PDF files to CSV file format and allows for easy downloading of the converted file.

How to Implement Stripe Payment Gateway in Laravel

To integrate a custom Stripe payment gateway in Laravel 8 or Laravel 9, you need both a backend and a frontend. This example template enables you to quickly set up the backend service. It is compatible with any price point you have established through the Stripe API. After adding the API key and directing the backend service to the price ID, you can activate the backend service by clicking the test button. Then, by integrating the Stripe frontend code into a Laravel component, you instantly create a custom payment page in Laravel. This method can be used to set up various types of payment pages in Laravel, including one-time payments and recurring subscriptions.

Get Facebook Post Comments Using API

An app for fetching a post's comments using the Facebook API. The permission scopes you will need are `pages_read_engagement`, `pages_manage_metadata` and `pages_read_user_content`. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting a post's comments according to the post id and access token we provide the app. Using this app, we can retrieve and analyze comments on Facebook posts using the Facebook API.

Fast API
Reaction Roles Discord Bot

The Discord bot can manage multiple user roles based on reactions to a specific message. The reaction-role mapping is included directly in the code for easy editing by the builder.

How to Implement Stripe Payment Gateway into React

To integrate a custom Stripe payment gateway in React, you need both a backend and a frontend. This template enables you to quickly set up the example backend service. It is compatible with any price point you have established through the Stripe API. After adding the API key and directing the backend service to the price ID, you can activate the backend service by clicking the test button. Then, by integrating the Stripe frontend code into a React component, you instantly create a custom payment page in React. This method can be used to set up various types of payment gateway pages and elements in React, including one-time payments and subscriptions.

Moderate Comments on Facebook Page

An app that moderates comments on your page feed using Facebook API and webhooks. This app uses the FastAPI to create a webhook endpoint for moderating posts on your page. A facebook access token for the page will be needed to make the API call. The permission scopes you will need for the access token are `pages_read_engagement` and `pages_manage_posts permissions` as an admin of the page you are posting to. The app moderates comments on Facebook ads/posts by removing and flagging hateful speech.

Fast API
Get Facebook Page Reviews Using API

An app for fetching a logged-in pages's review using the Facebook API. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting the page reviews. A facebook access token for the page will be needed to make the API call. The permission scope you will need for the access token is `pages_read_user_content`.

Fast API
GitHub Webhook Example

This is a Python Flask API application that handles GitHub webhooks that have been setup for a GitHub repository. The app listens to and receives incoming JSON data from GitHub on it's endpoint `github/webhook/`, and prints it for the user to see. The JSON data can then be stored or further processed as required. The app URL will be used in the webhook setup on GitHub.

Get Posts Using Facebook API

An app for fetching a Facebook user's posts using the Facebook API. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting user posts according to the user id and access token we provide the app. You can customize this app to get Facebook group posts as well.

Fast API
Share Post Using Facebook API

An app that shares a post to your page feed using Facebook API. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for sharing a post on your page. A facebook access token for the page will be needed to make the API call. The permission scopes you will need for the access token are `pages_read_engagement` and `pages_manage_posts permissions` as an admin of the page you are posting to. A link to another facebook can also be provided to share that post with a caption on your page.

Fast API
Get User ID Using Facebook API

An app that retrieves the Facebook user ID using the Facebook API. No specific permissions are required to make this api call. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting a logged-in user's id. A facebook access token will be needed to make the API call.

Fast API
Get Facebook Leads Using API

An app that fetches Facebook leads forms for a page using the Facebook Developers API. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting the page lead forms. A facebook access token for the page will be needed to make the API call. The permission scopes you will need for the access token are `ads_management`, `pages_read_engagement`, `pages_show_list`, `pages_manage_ads` and ` leads_retrieval`.

Fast API
Get Facebook Pages List Using API

An app for fetching a logged-in user's pages using the Facebook API. The permission scope you will need is `pages_manage_metadata`. This app uses the FastAPI to create an endpoint to call the Facebook API for getting a user's pages that they are an admin of. A facebook access token will be needed to make the API call.

Fast API