Jira Task Name Formatter

 def format_task_name(task_description: str) -> str:
    formatted_task_name = "User will " + task_description.replace("Make", "see").replace("Add", "see the").replace("a ", "").replace("the ", "")
    return formatted_task_name

def get_user_input() -> str:
    task_description = input("Enter the task name that needs to be converted: ")
    return task_description

# Get task description from user
task_description = get_user_input()

# Format task name
formatted_task_name = format_task_name(task_description)
print(f"Formatted task name: {formatted_task_name}")

About this template

This app takes a task description and formats it to follow a specific pattern for Jira task names. The user can enter task names that need to be converted.

Introduction to the Jira Task Name Formatter Template

Welcome to the Jira Task Name Formatter Template! This template is designed to help you format task descriptions into a specific pattern suitable for Jira task names. It's a simple yet powerful tool that can save you time and ensure consistency across your project's tasks. To get started, simply click on "Start with this Template" on the Lazy platform.

Using the Jira Task Name Formatter Template

Once you have initiated the template, you won't need to worry about setting up your environment or dealing with deployment issues. Lazy handles all of that for you. Here's how to use the template:

  • After clicking "Start with this Template," the code will be pre-populated in the Lazy Builder interface.
  • There are no environment secrets to set up for this template, as the code does not require environment variables.
  • When you're ready to test the app, click the "Test" button. This will begin the deployment of the app and launch the Lazy CLI.
  • Through the Lazy CLI, you will be prompted to enter the task name that needs to be converted. This is the user input required for the app to function.
  • After providing the necessary input, the app will process the information and output the formatted task name.

That's all there is to it! With these simple steps, you can quickly format task names for Jira, ensuring they follow the pattern you desire.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We're here to help you make the most of the Lazy platform and all its capabilities.

Thank you for choosing the Jira Task Name Formatter Template. We hope it streamlines your task naming process and enhances your project management workflow.

Last published
July 26, 2024

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Jira Task Name Formatter