Games & Entertainment templates

Lazy templates help developing apps for Games & Entertainment. Lazy is a revolutionary software tool that turns the traditional Games & Entertainment application development process on its head. Using Lazy AI, developers can create Games & Entertainment apps using just prompts, freeing themselves from the complex and time-consuming coding processes.

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Simple Multiplayer Telegram game

This app is a simple frontend for a game where users can upvote and downvote the most popular word in their country, learn about the flags of other countries, and view what other people voted for on a leaderboard.


Infinite Scroll Template

Any content can be instantly generated by scrolling - infinitely!



Use this skeleton if you need to use Pygame to build the app. Example: if the user needs to create games or video games or multimedia programs or graphical programs that make use of display but that are not to be played on the browser (in that case a web server with HTML and javascript is better)


Snake Game

A powerful app skeleton for a browser based snake game



AsciiArtify: Convert images into ascii art.


Snake Game

A powerful app skeleton for a browser based snake game


Cricket Player Finder

The Cricket Player Finder app helps users discover their favorite cricket player.


Name Generator

An app that generates names and provides backstories upon user request.


Create Your Own Pacman Game

A retro-style Pacman game with dynamic gameplay, collision detection, win condition, and high score display.


Pac-Mania: The Ultimate Maze Adventure

Enhancements to the Pacman game include a refined grid structure, improved movement mechanics for Pacman, dynamic ghost behavior, pause and resume functionality, and accessibility features.


Pacman Game

A Flask API serving a Pacman game with a maze, ghosts, and a yellow circle - Pacman, that can be controlled using arrow keys.


Pac-Mania: The Ultimate Maze Adventure

Enhancements to the Pacman game include a refined grid structure, improved movement mechanics for Pacman, dynamic ghost behavior, pause and resume functionality, and accessibility features.


Create Your Own Snake Game

Create your own classic snake game where the player controls a snake to eat food and grow longer. Use the arrow keys to move the snake. Eat food to grow. Don't hit the walls or yourself! The longer you survive, more scores you get.


Make Pong Game

The template which allows to make a classic arcade game Pong, where players control paddles to hit a ball back and forth, aiming to prevent the ball from reaching their side of the screen. No need to learn Unity or Python to create the game. Made by BaranDev[]


Make Your Own Tetris Game

This application combines Flask for the backend with JavaScript for the frontend to create a Tetris game. The Tetris game logic is implemented in JavaScript, including functions for drawing the game board, handling player movements, and managing game mechanics such as scoring and piece rotation. The Flask backend serves the HTML template and provides endpoints for fetching URLs for background music and start screen music. The HTML template includes elements for displaying the Tetris game canvas, as well as buttons for starting the game and toggling music. Additionally, it allows users to adjust the volume of the background music using a range input. Made by BaranDev[]


Make Your Own Tic Tac Toe Game

This application is a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game implemented using Flask for the backend and JavaScript for the frontend. It offers two gameplay modes: against the computer and two players. The frontend provides a grid-based game board where players can make moves by clicking on cells. The backend serves the HTML template and handles requests, while the frontend logic manages game state, including checking for wins, draws, and resetting the game. Additionally, the application includes a menu for selecting game modes and a button to return to the menu or reset the current game. Made by BaranDev[]


Sloth Image Generation App

This app will ask for your favorite hobby and for you to provide your OpenAI API Key. It will then generate an image of a sloth performing that hobby.


Text-Based Chess App with LLM Integration

A text-based chess app where users can play chess in text form and view a list of all the moves made. The user inputs their moves via the command line, and LLM generates the next move in response to the user's move.


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Cooking Companion

AI powered cooking companion app. It provides recipes, answers cooking questions, and features a chat with AI chef.

Fast API endpoint for Text Classification using GPT 4

This API will classify incoming text items into categories using the GPT 4 model. If the model is unsure about the category of a text item, it will respond with an empty string. The categories are parameters that the API endpoint accepts. The GPT 4 model will classify the items on its own with a prompt like this: "Classify the following item {item} into one of these categories {categories}". There is no maximum number of categories a text item can belong to in the multiple categories classification. The API will use the llm_prompt ability to ask the LLM to classify the item and respond with the category. The API will take the LLM's response as is and will not handle situations where the model identifies multiple categories for a text item in the single category classification. If the model is unsure about the category of a text item in the multiple categories classification, it will respond with an empty string for that item. The API will use Python's concurrent.futures module to parallelize the classification of text items. The API will handle timeouts and exceptions by leaving the items unclassified. The API will parse the LLM's response for the multiple categories classification and match it to the list of categories provided in the API parameters. The API will convert the LLM's response and the categories to lowercase before matching them. The API will split the LLM's response on both ':' and ',' to remove the "Category" word from the response. The temperature of the GPT model is set to a minimal value to make the output more deterministic. The API will return all matching categories for a text item in the multiple categories classification. The API will strip any leading or trailing whitespace from the categories in the LLM's response before matching them to the list of categories provided in the API parameters. The API will accept lists as answers from the LLM. If the LLM responds with a string that's formatted like a list, the API will parse it and match it to the list of categories provided in the API parameters.

Update Metafields in Shopify using API

A app for managing metafields in a Shopify store. It includes endpoints to create, update, and retrieve metafields for resources in a Shopify store. The app requires a SHOPIFY_ADMIN_API_TOKEN to authenticate requests

AI-driven Shopify navigation menu

This app learns from the way users browse to guess which product they might look at next. It gathers product lists from Shopify, a popular online store platform. When someone visits a page, the app records which page they visited and their unique user ID. The app then displays a rotating slider navigation menu (called a carousel) on the webpage, showing products it thinks the user might want to see next. With this approach, the app aims to improve the chances of users making a purchase by showing them products they are more likely to be interested in.

Web Based Chatbot with LLM

This powerful app skeleton is a great starting place suitable for creating a chatbot. It uses tailwind and llm.

DocBot: The Google Docs Chatbot

An app for analyzing team documents, providing answers to questions, and displaying important information about its capabilities and restrictions.

Lazy apps can be helpful in the Games & Entertainment category by providing users with easy and convenient ways to enjoy their favorite games and entertainment content. Here are a few ways lazy apps can be helpful:

  1. Automated gameplay: Lazy apps can automate certain repetitive tasks or actions in games, allowing users to progress faster or achieve specific goals without having to manually perform those actions. This can be particularly useful in games that require grinding or repetitive actions.
  2. Auto-clickers: Some lazy apps offer auto-clicking features, which can be helpful in games that require rapid tapping or clicking. This can save users from having to continuously tap their screens, reducing fatigue and making gameplay more enjoyable.
  3. Game guides and cheats: Lazy apps can provide users with game guides, tips, and cheats to help them navigate through difficult levels or challenges. These apps can offer strategies, walkthroughs, and even cheat codes to enhance the gaming experience.
  4. Content aggregation: Lazy apps can aggregate entertainment content from various sources, such as movies, TV shows, music, and podcasts, into a single platform. This makes it easier for users to discover and access their favorite entertainment content without having to switch between multiple apps or platforms.
  5. Personalized recommendations: Lazy apps can use algorithms and user preferences to provide personalized recommendations for games and entertainment content. This can help users discover new games, movies, shows, or music that align with their interests, saving them time and effort in searching for new content.

Overall, lazy apps in the Games & Entertainment category aim to simplify and enhance the user experience by automating tasks, providing helpful guides, and offering personalized recommendations.

Games & Entertainment